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Erich Fried
this site contains the german originals
& my own translations
i hope despite my incomplete english
you get the confusing depth
of Erich Fried's verses


reckless artistic nature

learning process

anxiety and doubt

earn and bear

constructive self criticism


preservation of materia

strange child

liberation from the big idols

need knows no command

of the inner freedom

abandoned room

a collector


one agitated poet's questions

the edge

what it is

born 06 may 1921 / died 22 nov 1988

catch 1 :
i've started to think with Erich Fried
Erich Fried is known as a poet, but what i value in his words is the philosophy
because Erich Fried is a philosopher, a completely unknown, unacknowledged philosopher
but people who think deep, on their own, complex, inconvenient, original, are philosophers, aren't they ?
or do philosophers come neatly prepackaged out of universities ?

catch 2 :
his words injure & confuse
Erich Fried wrote european koans

the extent of his work is immense, most known are political & love poems,
i liked in the past rather the short & pointed sentenses & circular constructed verses,
now i esteem also reflections about the all day life

you find here just few of his pieces
i translated those into english to make his work more known in the world
i would be glad, if you would find yourself curious about more poems by Erich Fried
you find them, where good books usually can be found

Ingas Erich Fried Seiten
Erich-Fried-Gedenkraum in Bezirksmuseums Alsergrund / Wien
Der literarische Arbeiter - Erich Fried's publischer site Wagenbach with a collection of EF fotos
Erich Fried Gesellschaft

03 may 2012 / what it is
06 june 2011 / the edge
13 may 2011 /
19 march 2011 / one agitated poet's questions /
(+ improvements: speechless ) & horoscope
13 march 2011 /
publishing years added / reviewed & corrected / reasons
12 july 2010 /
reviewed & corrected
11 11 2005 / abandoned room / a collector /
(+ improvements: strange child/speechless/reckless artistic nature/learning process)
05 05 2004 / of the inner freedom
17 nov 2002 / strange child / liberation from the big idols / need knows no command
03 may 2002 /
first record : ashes / reckless artistic nature / learning process / anxiety & doubt / earn & bear / constructive self critisism / speechless / preservation of materia /

numerologic : 6 5 1921 / 6 5 4 / 15 / 6

horoscope without ASC
some thoughts :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Erich Fried Horoscope
would i guess, what ASC/MC Erich Fried could have in his horoscope, i would presume, that's Cancer/Pisces
but in regard to that point i let this horoscope unfinished
besides it offers already now without that information an interesting view & understanding of the person

most prominent & somewhat surprisingly explaining the source of what i value most in Erich Fried's poems,
the deep pointed accuracy of his words is the MERCURY in Taurus
this MERCURY is fired by the reign of Taurus, VENUS (flesh & bones love) in Aries & supported by the SUN (personality's expression)
Venus itself in Aries in conjunction with MOON (own soul's feelings) & the Dragon's Tail (abilities) / CHIRON (healing)
the reign of Aries extremely inbetween Taurus & Gemini, but already on the Gemini side (outspoken, rich flow of words & thoughts)
the MOON itself is supported by PLUTO in Cancer, deep understanding, not intellectually, but with the soul

this MERCURY in Taurus offers an earthy sort of understanding, very down to earth, very compassionate, very sensual, nothing intellectual, nothing high flying, nothing idealistic in the sense of dreamy, enchanted, unwordly, but the very opposite, committed to the present world

this earthy way is further supported by the weight of the two other earth signs Capricorn & Virgo
SATURN, the reign over Capricorn moves retrograde, backwards in Virgo towards the JUPITER
& the female freedom loving rebellion LILLITH stands in Capricorn

another, the rebellious side of Erich Fried's poems & egagement is accentuated by the URANUS in Pisces, thus no pure poetic way, but an urge for freedom & sudden genius insight, knowing, empathy & a subtle, sublime grasping of the whole situation

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