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Marek Grechuta

just some bits of Marek Grechuta's work
this site's currently again just work in progress with all the embedding & difficult poetic translation

  World in clouds on YouTube
Magia Oblokow / 1974 / Swiat w oblokach /
Clowds' Magic / 1974 / World in clouds / music Marek Grechuta text R.Krynicki

Swiat w oblokach

Swiat wokól ciebie sie zmienia, zmieniaja sie
pory roku.
Stopy twe wiezi ziemia, a oczy magia obloków.
Obloków wiedza tajemna, obloków fantasmagoria,
obloków cudze spojrzenia, obloków pewnosc ulotna.

Jak oblok wiedza tajemna, jak oblok
jak oblok cudze spojrzenia, jak oblok pewnosc

Jak oblok, jak oblok
jak oblok, jak oblok

Jak oblok, jak oblok
jak oblok, jak oblok

Jestes mieszkancem ziemi, a uczysz sie od obloków.
Swojej niepewnej nadzieji, ulotnej jak pory roku.

Obloków wiedza tajemna, obloków fantasmagoria,
obloków cudze spojrzenia, obloków pewnosc ulotna.

Jak oblok wiedza tajemna, jak oblok
jak oblok cudze spojrzenia, jak oblok pewnosc

Jak oblok, jak oblok
jak oblok, jak oblok

Jak oblok, jak oblok
jak oblok, jak oblok

Swiat wokól ciebie sie zmienia, przez ciebie
plynie niepokój.
Plyna chmury po niebie, pod biala flaga obloków.

Obloków wiedza tajemna, obloków fantasmagoria,
obloków cudze spojrzenia, obloków pewnosc ulotna.

Jak oblok wiedza tajemna, jak oblok
jak oblok cudze spojrzenia, jak oblok pewnosc

Jak oblok, jak oblok
jak oblok, jak oblok

Jak oblok, jak oblok
jak oblok, jak oblok
  World in clouds

World around you is changing, changing are
the year's seasons.
Your feet are chained to the earth, yet your eyes to the clouds' magic.
Clouds' knowledge's secret, clouds' phantasmagory,
clouds' alien glances, clouds' fleeting order.

As a cloud knowledge's secret, as a cloud's
as a cloud are alien glances, as a cloud order

As a cloud, as a cloud
as a cloud, as a cloud

As a cloud, as a cloud
as a cloud, as a cloud

You're dwelling upon the earth, but you're learning from clouds.
Your uncertain hope, fleeting as year's seasons.

Clouds' knowledge's secret, clouds' phantasmagory,
clouds' alien glances, clouds' fleeting order.

As a cloud knowledge's secret, as a cloud's
as a cloud are alien glances, as a cloud order

As a cloud, as a cloud
as a cloud, as a cloud

As a cloud, as a cloud
as a cloud, as a cloud

World around you is changing, right through you
is fleeting disorder.
Storm's fleeting upon the sky, under the white banner of clouds.

Clouds' knowledge's secret, clouds' phantasmagory,
clouds' alien glances, clouds' fleeting order.

As a cloud knowledge's secret, as a cloud's
as a cloud are alien glances, as a cloud order

As a cloud, as a cloud
as a cloud, as a cloud

As a cloud, as a cloud
as a cloud, as a cloud

  Sleep - Dream of Fairytales on YouTube
Piosenki dla dzieci i rodzicow / 1991 / Spij - bajki snij /
Songs for children and parents / 1991 / Sleep - Dream of Fairytales / text & music Marek Grechuta

Spij-bajki snij...

Spij bajki snij
Kolorowe piekne dobre bajki
W nich na lace ty
Wokól ciebie niezapominajki
Abys zapamietal sen radosny
Pelen slonca i oddechów wiosny

Sen gdzie powietrze niesie wiatr od gestwin
Sen gdzie sa rzeki w których zyja kwiaty
Tam wszystko jest
Zdrowe jak sen dobre jak sen
Twój sen

Spij bajki snij
A w tych bajkach jasny dom z ogrodem
W nim owoców raj
A wokolo male domki z miodem
Mozna zbierac wielkie kosze malin
Nie ma dymu fabryk miasta spalin

Tam gdzie lagodna cisze zdobi koncert
Tam, tam gdzie zycie sie wydaje czarem
Cudownym darem
Takim jak ty jak dla nas ty
Jak ty

Spij bajki snij
Az nadejdzie wreszcie dzien wspanialy
Gdy obudzisz sie
Nagle ujrzysz swiat tych bajek caly
Wreszcie spelni sie twój sen radosny
Pelen slonca i oddechów wiosny

Gdzie powietrze niesie wiatr od gestwin
Sen gdzie sa rzeki w których zyja kwiaty
Przyrzekam ci nadejdzie dzien
Sen spelni sie
Juz spij

  Sleep - Dream of fairytales

Sleep, dream of fairytales
Fairytales full of color beauty goodness
Within them on a meadow You
Surrounded by forget-me-not
To remember the happy dream
Full of sun & odours of spring

Dream where the air carries wind from bushes
Dream where are rivers full with living flowers
There is everything
Healthy as dream, good as dream
Your dream

Sleep, dream of fairytales
And within them a bright house with a garden
It's a paradise of fruit
Surrounded by little honey houses
You can gather baskets of raspberries
No factory smokes, no cities fumes

There, where a smooth silence is adorned by a concert
There, there where life still appears like magic
Wonderful gift
Just like You, to us You
Like You

Sleep, dream of fairytales
Until the grand day aproaches
When you wake up
All of the sudden you see the world full of fairytales
At last your happy dream will come true
Full of sun & odours of spring

Where the air carries wind from bushes
Dream where are rivers full with living flowers
I promiss you, there will be the day
The dream comes true
Just sleep

12 may 2011

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