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2011 06 30 / CUMULUS word of the day : accumulative cumulative - cumulus clouds - additive - (addiction) - amassing - mass market - mass - (measure) - gathering - get - (free space for stuff) - to stuff - stack - store - stockpile - stocks provision - hoard - (diabetes) - set aside in a safe place - safe for the hoarded, not for the hoarder / sustainability of the hoarder >>> women today : someone's mother, sister, daughter, that someone is in 95% a man - "mother, sister, daughter" referring & thus dependent Michael Pollan : Tracy Pollan / Michael Pollan's sister ... Michael Pollan's spouse [ Michael Pollan : mass cultivation ] to be addicted is to be dependent as well, to be an addition to what one's depending on besides of the evil circle amassing per sgraffire the canyon, the gap, the cleft, the riverbed, the routine, en route, on track - which trek engraving - getting used to what one's using - is it useful ? - to whom is it of use ? to amass - excavate - the cave - to cave - hollow out - cave in - give in - collapse - implode - lapse - leap - skip - inattention - oversight - fault - fold >>> ring a tune, hear the dis/harmony - accumulation of sound - OVERTONE - overhear (hear - not hear - skip to hear) overburdened - bowed down - loaded down - weighed down - SCARY/scarry ! : (Babylon) "the surface soil that must be moved away to get at coal seams and mineral deposits" - months ago i was there to move masses - agitation - populism - popularity - turmoil - Arab Spring - disturbed in usefulness but overuseful - excitement - entice to leave out what is "of no use" along the current denominator - "the current truth" - the current sow through the vilage causing turmoil the current truth - the last season's fashion - popular in his time - the current password - the momentum - synchronicity - jahreswagen collision - coincidence - anticipation overburden : an excessive burden - overload - meltdown because of an excess - EXCESS - excessive access - overdone before the moment : over & over again, excercise, train untill X behind the moment : routine, excess, exaggerate, drag why the excess ? cause it's easier to do again, what was already done, because there is a path, a track to follow, a route, thus routine the a difference between to search for the matching same as the posessed & to search for the matching same as the lacking search for the posessed is doubling, producing BURDEN, blockier, search for the lacking is accomplishing, producing FUNCTION, smoother cumulative : more of the same - the 2 sides : the needed good / RESTOCK after it's used all up & the exaggerated / SUBSTITUTE for change SUBSTITUTE for change : a change on a level, where the change is sensed as not endangering the STATUS QUO perceived as endangering the STATUS QUO - fear out of lack of ability to deal with the change io to live prospects, projects, future, PROGRESS : progress is MORE OF THE SAME, business as usual, new normal, nothing to be feared, unchanged to dim, to trim down, to tone down, to discolor, not to sense - fear to sense, it hurts, FEAR of the change of life FEAR of the change of life, lack of security, the tryout to live on & on based on more & more of the pleasing same BLANK OUT - "DENIAL" - to deny means to concentrate on smthng in a negative manner ^^^ vvv clever people concentrate on what they intend to do, not on what they try to avoid double win : from the running out climate destruction which functions & from the running in renewables - risky game, danger of tipping point the thrill of emergency : drug of excitement, enticed - boredom, lack of sense of life -------------------------------------------------------- |
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