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2011 07 13 / TRUTH - REALITY - HONESTY - GENUITY (division) 2011 07 12 / B chernyist666 I.G.O.R There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths. #Nietzsche 5 Jul in reply to @chernyist666 ? @reflectingarea Ra "There ARE no eternal facts, as there ARE no absolute truths. #Nietzsche" @chernyist666 : ISn't that just a big fat rollercoaster TRUTH ... 2011 07 13 / B truth is the ultimate certainty [ 2011 08 10 / B / website written (weblog) thus truth contradicts the reality & is therefore not to be used in the sense of its exchange why is reality uncertainty ? why is life a permanent change / Panta Rei ? why is it necessary that change is happening, active ? THESES : * the functioning way of reality - CHANGE & therefore uncertainty - change results in UNCERTAINTY - combined with the REALLY NEW - the really new is what's comming out of GINNUNGAGAP - it comes becasue of DEMAND of the next step - the next step is either the logic of the process or the logic of the betterment of the current situation / sustainability combined with renewal/rennaissance/restart/beginner's mind * the dysfunctioning ways of reality - the idea of stability of automatic entities without initial & without rights, which therefore cn be striped of any duty of comfort for them by the acting, because violence is what the then following actions take place, therefore it's the violator & the violated, the culprit & the victim, the master & the slave stability = unchangeability absolute stability = unchangeability changeability within a stable presence = relative stability changeability to completely new = uncertainty absolute - independence - calculability - predictability calculable, if just one side is predictable, the inferior one or that one side cannot predict the other, which makes it the inferior side - education of predictability - knowledge of the things, of reality, hindering the education, leading the education leaders have to know for 100% certain that when they lead the results will be as predicted to hinder education is violence if both sides are equal predictable, there is no gain for neither party if both sides are unpredictable, then the party, which can deal with inpredictability effectively/successful (which effects, which results are projected here ?) is the gainer knowledge/its lack is the key to turn the own predictability into an unpredictability for the party, which one is going to exploit but that system works just within an unpredictable bigger system, the negatively paternalistic system - why ? the DEPENDENCE of the exploiter from the exploited is usually an accompanying occurance of that constellation that's the turning key for the exploited to change the situation ] [ 2011 08 10 / B / website written (weblog) a DEFINITIVE STATEMENT is such as every one action naming WORD like : IS, HAS, ARE, RUN, MAKE &sf a definitive statement is an expression of currently running routines, actions presently in function a definitive statement is an expression resulting from before that very moment of action, is a result of a previous action of decision, which result functions already in place & active in its correct way, unfolding usually correctly a definitive statement is an expression of premade & not right now active generated positions, but the result of previously generated position, generated at a previous moment of previous actions a definitive statement is generated along remembered positions, those stored within the memory the problem occurs not at the point of the function of premade positions the problem appears at the point of the generation of that point one has to be absolutely clear about the correctness of that point, of that stand in that very moment everything else, every other sort of action regarding that moment of making of routines will lead unescapable towards failures, to follow simply further that path one has to go back in the own footsteps, following the own decisions & if those decisions cannto be traced one has to follow the outcomes, the results generated & judge them anew active in the present moment as there is no time as an active & objective reality so there is in any present moment the complete possibility to improve own routines with the one exception : if the material routes are damaged in a way, that a material functionality isn't possible anymore without an external material help, then that external help belongs to the own materiality, one is no more independend in a usual way, but dependend there, regarding that damaged own structure, that way one has widened the own space into the space of the social in as fact there is a gap between the action of decision making towards a routine, the making of a point used afterwards routinely, the action of generating a reference point which one will use from now on & the factual usage of such a point, such a route between points made in such a way the usage generates itself the right & thus generates the correctness of the biability compells us about the correctness of a routine, of a point within a route the usage generates itself the right & that right is an ancient form right ancient means here too, that it was made under circumstances, which didn't draw understanding from such disciplines as psychology & sociology psychology as the discipline of understanding human intern immaterial functionality & intern interaction between the participants of that intern space, called now, in our current social culture, a person, a certain human & sociology as the discipline of understanding human extern material functionality & extern interaction between the participants of that extern space, called now society ]
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