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2011 06 28 / explanation D CREATION EXPLANATION : ORGANIC / DIRECTED / CREATED [FRINGE QUALITY] speed of materia : to examine > speed of light > constancy : "the quality of being free from change or variation" [babylon] ^^^ vvv "the tendency for perceived objects to give rise to very similar perceptual experiences ... vvv in spite of wide variations in the conditions of observation" vvv [to give rise to : waiting for the hook - guilt - invitation - you asked for - to allow - law] >>> Q/A| Q: how can i know everything, the entire whole bunch of all, when i don't know every little detail of it? A: in the principle |TTK >>> "ich habe sie umzingelt" Erich Fried ? einkesseln >>> beyond optimism : a complaint, a displeasure has to be the initial act towards betterment of reality, vvv not the occasion to dwell upon problems of current reality vvv [ask WITHIN the complaint to concret the next point, to build therefore the tendency WITHIN - the complaint contains the better result] 2. [very evading stuff currently] USABILITY : to examine : PAYMENT/WORK ; FUNCTION/DESIGN ; correctness ; reality ; "justice" <<< claim ^^^ vvv with a claim i set myself in the position (?ex ante/a priori?) to know vvv to know exactly, better than the other, than the addressee, for sure & at any given corresponding case what's wrong & what's right vvv formulated that way, noone sane in mind would claim speed : as long as i don't know where to go/tendency/goal/set_reality is the repeat of the current the best choice, care-foster-cultivation speed of materia : hirasawa Susumu Hirasawa by reflectingarea ? ??????????????????????????? hirasawa Susumu Hirasawa by reflectingarea ------KON'STONE???????-------?? ????????1???10???????????????300???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? Recyclebank Recyclebank by reflectingarea Create a vacay-like feel in ur home! Serve up fresh, locally grown meals while u help conserve water &energy! Learn here. for some to me unknown reason today's ear buzz - ??? - Susumu Hirasawa - MOON TIME LIVE | - i don't particularly like it is life too small ? i don't know where to put all that material stuff in my life, not even where to put all the pictures, tokens of smthng ^ vvv i suppose hoarders are more sane than those who dump toxic waste into oceans, at least they care for where they live, they're more real vvv by "more sane" i mean of at least a felt understanding, feeling isn't particularly sofisticated understanding but better than numbness vvv widen the now by "breaking" it into 2, the gap appearing gives the empty space to contain not just more but also which was never before vvv is life the space where al the things are which are ? what's death, what happens to all those things which were in life, is time the key reflectingarea Ra @ @4130clothing : "Still repping your same old raggedy gear in the dezert?" really nice formulation - raggedy / rage tragedy & Z rules...z vvv i assume we'll pay one day NOT to get anything, as Apple with its slick bauhausbeng&olufsen optics is leading the field of wealth design vvv the unemployment is an appearance of lack of needed things, do we need service though ? vvv yes, i still am in need of many things & services, but i don't get them, there's space for employment in it, i would pay a great deal vvv there's space beyond the permission adds, in the ASK ADDs, ask me what i want, give it & i pay, sounds thousands of years oldfashioned vvv even if i err in the meaning to know what i want, i spend so much time searching between all those useless stuff for what i have clue of vvv i am willing to pay when i would get what i imagine & spare my limited lifetime spent on fruitless frustration search vvv maybe i should hire a personal searcher ? anyone know that service ? of course the price should be sensible, not 10 times price of stuff vvv & i am surely not more motivated by adds to speed up, just to spare some bucks, life's too precious for that sort of doubful fun @ @FestivalofIdeas @Owenjones84 : Robbie Williams a communist, yeah! we all have our midlife crisis @ @FestivalofIdeas : stopping chopping down the future rainforest elsewhere right now would be more sensible than bemoan pasts gone vvv to have no other choice left after the alternatives are examined, becasue the choice meets the perimeters within the tolerance range @ @AchievableLife : to be able to fail doesn't ensure to learn, the other half of learning is the ability to learn & the sense to learn at all so much hope in the youth, so much hope & so little ability paper is patient, bits & bytes indulgent / Ra / modern variation on the german proverb : papier ist geduldig - another antinuclear SAY NO karaoke - Genshiryoku ?????__.wmv via @youtube Reuters Reuters Top News by reflectingarea No sexy girls please, China tells online game fair branched out life parts, concentration on just 1 life, exchange of direction or retreat into 1 direction ? |
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