28 december - - - ~ verzicht : waiver, abandonment, renunciation, renouncement, resignation, sacrifice, relinquishment, abdication, abnegation, release waiver : to act waving as a traditional, but nonetheless meantime not understood clearly anymore symbol while acting to part abandonment : a + bound - a, as negation sign + referring to the act of binding renunciation, renouncement : re + nun/noun/name - re as sign of "going back, anew, secondly, repeatedly" + act of naming resignation : re + act of signing, making a sign as assigned to the referrential thing - the thing & the sign / das ding & das zeichen > the quality of language depends if the own culture encourages orientation per felt language or not, , the quality of language depends if the own culture encourages memory, understanding or feeling of language language is nothing but a mind chart of the material & action reality, , an intern copy, an adjustment of the own memorized, felt or understood reality along the surrounding reality, , because of the manques within how our culture & all previous & current human cultures deal with the art of generation, usage & purpose of mind charts therefore there are many possibilities to make it, , currently everyone is more or less let alone to decide what's best & therefore every human creates the wheel of language anew again & again starting from zero, , it's an insufficient, merely rudimentary developed, but at least an original & therefore honest way of doing it the indogermanic languages are felt & therefore their benefit is the most direct way to generate a mind chart the chinese language generates traditionally conceptual mind chart, nevertheless the art to generate it changes currently towards a felt way the benefit of a conceptual way to generate a mind chart is the ability to concentrate on the important matters & therefore arrange life in such an order of importance, but there is the question, if the past importance is still present & will be same in the future additionally to the question if the traditional importance's correct at all, at least it's a strongly paternalistic way to generate language it's not practiced to generate understood way of human language yet the mimicry is the simplest way & affording least energy of generation & storage of language & therefore popular, that's onomatopoiese onomatopoiese & felt generation of language are accorded along each other < correction RE : if two movements act within one space not same but in reverse directions, it's the sound of in such way generated friction it's the same situation as to move a "standing" thing, means, to transstructure the action/production of the thing from the difference between -energy needed to repeat & energy needed to move- is also bigger than the difference between energy needed for one movement & energy needed for another movement it's the difference between need & want, in case 1. it's need > want in 2. want > want the biggest difference is beween need > need, cause the only way to make it leads through want, so need > want > need, long way, more energy therefore to change a habit means to move from a stand, a repeating act, from a space of repeat with low energy requirement, , through a want, a higher state of energy requirement & come to stand then in another low energy state of repeat, , so also the difference between want > need is same strenous as need > want seen energetically that's why habits are so hard to change, it's about energy & therefore to beat just with understanding of the matters, sense, gain of change axismedia Axis Media Pop artist James Rizzi dies at 61: BERLIN (AP) -- James Rizzi, a New York-born and based pop artist best kno... apne.ws/vVglM2 “Situations Matter : Understanding How Context Transforms Your World” Sam Sommers | shar.es/WqE0v Have you experienced a traumatic event? | shar.es/WqEFa gewähr-wahr-wahren-warrant-garant > garantie : guarantee, warranty, warrant, security > grant > gradXgard > guard - garden > warn > > wierzyc' - otworzyc' - otwierac' - tor - tür - door - two'r - tworzyc' - (toczyc') > ouros (watchman) - horan (to see) - Horus - hear - warrant : ~1300 "to guarantee as true" true : towards, parallel, according to - weir - wire - skrt.vatah (enclosure) > vata - vrnoti (covers, wraps, shuts) - vertire - uertXturn : closed by turning along an axis revenge is moving extremely unnerving plain towards failure, , it makes some sense though if there are no other goals anymore to achieve, but usually that's just same plain lying excuse humans will not change their behaviour unless they understand unmistakenly at least which gains they lose thanks to which behaviour it is nevertheless difficult to make a child understand an infinite loss, a loss of no possibility to regain the lost it is also difficult to make understand a child its own limitedness of life a loss is infinite already if the regain takes place after the lifespan of someone who has lost it ends, a doubled difficulty to understand ... sacrifice, relinquishment, abdication, abnegation, release sacrifice : sacred, secret, [T.G.Tucker] base *saq- "bind, restrict, enclose, protect", sacXcas, hidden & protected by being enclosed The right has discovered the magic against relativism. Populism | shar.es/Wsz1y sacra > sancire > (sans scire ... sincere ) ... relinquishment : re- (back) + linquere (to leave) linquo/liqui ... lingula/ligula ... lingula/ligula ... abdication : abdanken, abdicate - ab- + dicare - off of self responsible doing renounce - re-naming, re nehmen - the way of taking, grasping, embracing, the point of view & action, the perspective between here & there name/nehmen : the art to handle a thing towards a projected, produced goal & in ideal case according to the thing itself renounce : change of goal, change of production, change of name renounce : to halt the repeat, to farewell the old goal, to thank the thing, to project the new goal, to adjust the thing towards new goal to ask for permission of new adjustment, to miss the known ways, to miss the removed function, to miss a home, to miss a world H.C.Andersen / Nightingale to lose the insufficient before the correct is there makes the parting not just hard but impossible because of lack of needed functionality it's a double bind, the functionality of the wrong is not enough & the correct is not there, its being driven against a wall situation it's not about anguish, but lack of better perspective & therefore an unfulfilled want, the feeling of being stuck in lack of production being stuck in the space of evasion the hopes of solution by parting prematurely do not prove real to live such a double life is strenous, to wait for the right & to manage the wrong to get at least some correct results out of it is the minimum & the dedicated named empty space a better solution than to get accustomed to the wrong & deal mainly with the known wrong ? - - - - - - - - - reflectingarea Ra ~ 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra is the minimum & the dedicated named empty space a better solution than to get accustomed to the wrong & deal mainly with the known wrong ? 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra to live such a double life is strenous, to wait for the right & to manage the wrong to get at least some correct results out of it 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra the hopes of solution by parting prematurely do not prove real 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra being stuck in the space of evasion 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra it's not about anguish, but lack of better perspective & therefore an unfulfilled want, the feeling of being stuck in lack of production 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra it's a double bind, the functionality of the wrong is not enough & the correct is not there, its being driven against a wall situation 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra to lose the insufficient before the correct is there makes the parting not just hard but impossible because of lack of needed functionality 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra H.C.Andersen / Nightingale 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra to ask for permission of new adjustment, to miss the known ways, to miss the removed function, to miss a home, to miss a world 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra renounce : to halt the repeat, to farewell the old goal, to thank the thing, to project the new goal, to adjust the thing towards new goal 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra renounce : change of goal, change of production, change of name 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra name/nehmen : the art to handle a thing towards a projected, produced goal & in ideal case according to the thing itself 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra renounce - re-naming, re nehmen - the way of taking, grasping, embracing, the point of view & action, the perspective between here & there 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra abdication : abdanken, abdicate - ab- + dicare - off of self responsible doing 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra relinquishment : re- (back) + linquere (to leave) linquo/liqui ... lingula/ligula ... lingula/ligula ... 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra sacra > sancire > (sans scire ... sincere ) ... 29 Dec reflectingarea Ra The right has discovered the magic against relativism. Populism | shar.es/Wsz1y 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra sacrifice : sacred, secret, [T.G.Tucker] base *saq- "bind, restrict, enclose, protect", sacXcas, hidden & protected by being enclosed 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra ... sacrifice, relinquishment, abdication, abnegation, release 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra a loss is infinite already if the regain takes place after the lifespan of someone who has lost it ends, a doubled difficulty to understand 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra it is also difficult to make understand a child its own limitedness of life 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra it is nevertheless difficult to make a child understand an infinite loss, a loss of no possibility to regain the lost 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra humans will not change their behaviour unless they understand unmistakenly at least which gains they lose thanks to which behaviour 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra , it makes some sense though if there are no other goals anymore to achieve, but usually that's just same plain lying excuse 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra revenge is moving extremely unnerving plain towards failure, 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra - weir - wire - skrt.vatah (enclosure) > vata - vrnoti (covers, wraps, shuts) - vertire - uertXturn : closed by turning along an axis 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra true : towards, parallel, according to 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra warrant : ~1300 "to guarantee as true" 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra > wierzyc' - otworzyc' - otwierac' - tor - tür - door - two'r - tworzyc' - (toczyc') > ouros (watchman) - horan (to see) - Horus - hear - 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra gewähr-wahr-wahren-warrant-garant > garantie : guarantee, warranty, warrant, security > grant > gradXgard > guard - garden > warn > 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra Have you experienced a traumatic event? | shar.es/WqEFa 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra “Situations Matter : Understanding How Context Transforms Your World” Sam Sommers | shar.es/WqE0v 28 Dec axismedia Axis Media Pop artist James Rizzi dies at 61: BERLIN (AP) -- James Rizzi, a New York-born and based pop artist best kno... apne.ws/vVglM2 28 Dec Retweeted by reflectingarea reflectingarea Ra that's why habits are so hard to change, it's about energy & therefore to beat just with understanding of the matters, sense, gain of change 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra , so also the difference between want > need is same strenous as need > want seen energetically 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra , through a want, a higher state of energy requirement & come to stand then in another low energy state of repeat, 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra therefore to change a habit means to move from a stand, a repeating act, from a space of repeat with low energy requirement, 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra the biggest difference is beween need > need, cause the only way to make it leads through want, so need > want > need, long way, more energy 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra it's the difference between need & want, in case 1. it's need > want in 2. want > want 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra the difference between energy needed for one movement & energy needed for another movement 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra the difference between -energy needed to repeat & energy needed to move- is also bigger than 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra a lower energy level needed to repeat its position to a higher energy level required by any sort of movement 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra it's the same situation as to move a "standing" thing, means, to transstructure the action/production of the thing from 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra correction RE : if two movements act within one space not same but in reverse directions, it's the sound of in such way generated friction 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra onomatopoiese & felt generation of language are accorded along each other < 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra the mimicry is the simplest way & affording least energy of generation & storage of language & therefore popular, that's onomatopoiese 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra it's not practiced to generate understood way of human language yet 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra additionally to the question if the traditional importance's correct at all, at least it's a strongly paternalistic way to generate language 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra arrange life in such an order of importance, but there is the question, if the past importance is still present & will be same in the future 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra the benefit of a conceptual way to generate a mind chart is the ability to concentrate on the important matters & therefore 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra the chinese language generates traditionally conceptual mind chart, nevertheless the art to generate it changes currently towards a felt way 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra the indogermanic languages are felt & therefore their benefit is the most direct way to generate a mind chart 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra , it's an insufficient, merely rudimentary developed, but at least an original & therefore honest way of doing it 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra every human creates the wheel of language anew again & again starting from zero, 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra , currently everyone is more or less let alone to decide what's best & therefore 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra the art of generation, usage & purpose of mind charts therefore there are many possibilities to make it, 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra , because of the manques within how our culture & all previous & current human cultures deal with 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra , an intern copy, an adjustment of the own memorized, felt or understood reality along the surrounding reality, 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra language is nothing but a mind chart of the material & action reality, 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra , the quality of language depends if the own culture encourages memory, understanding or feeling of language 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra > the quality of language depends if the own culture encourages orientation per felt language or not, 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra resignation : re + act of signing, making a sign as assigned to the referrential thing - the thing & the sign / das ding & das zeichen 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra renunciation, renouncement : re + nun/noun/name - re as sign of "going back, anew, secondly, repeatedly" + act of naming 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra abandonment : a + bound - a, as negation sign + referring to the act of binding 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra waiver : to act waving as a traditional, but nonetheless meantime not understood clearly anymore symbol while acting to part 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra verzicht : waiver, abandonment, renunciation, renouncement, resignation, sacrifice, relinquishment, abdication, abnegation, release 28 Dec reflectingarea Ra ~ 28 Dec