18 december - - - ~ isohypse / höhenlinie / contour line / isoline / isarithm > > perpendicular / plumb / vertical / orthogonal / congruent adjacent angles / T / correct perpendicular / plumb / lot / senkrecht / senken, sink, think, denken, yume, dumat', träumen, dream / sink, where it's going down the drain T, the right angle, the correct turning point, going in the opposite direction, not the 180°, but the 90° - - not dimensions, but directions in the same dimension, , io to estimate correctly that direction, one has to move away slightly off the direction line perPENDIcular / pendel, pendere, pendulum, pensum - pond - pound - bounce (oNOMAtopoie) if we repeat the sound made by & while, we do not understand, not the thing & not us in our goals & aims & wishes, , we just remember the structure of the place where we found it, , we have not the clue how to do it & why it works how it works & not a clue how to make it work towards our goals, besides of course that that we have not the faintest idea, when & if the goals're destructive, to ourselves, what we love & upon we depend with our existence, life we think, we can spare us the energy of the work to understand, this is the stinginess in the core place, where we had to be very generous there are no destructive goals, but there are destructive ways if a goal seem to be destructive, it is not the goal, but its visible shadow, behind it is the constructive goal people with genuinely destructive goals just simply die, the more destructivity in the own life, the more the burden of it to bear constructivity lifts, destructivity weighs heavy, requires energy & therefore sucks life dependend - pendere - pensum - bounce (pound) - what weighs heavy & makes a bouncing sound when meeting the plane ultimate ground dependend - pendere x pater - in the realm of dependence, the realm of bouncing sound when meeting the plane ground we know that smthng's happening & what sound it makes, when it happens & that is all, what we know about - onomatopoie woman with spectacles & alikes : what i can learn there is how to betray myself, to suck up to others io to reach goals which i don't intend bounce - bound - unterschiede in dichte begegnen sich / differences in density meet dichte ist die anzahl der partikel, die von wesentlichkeit sind innerhalb des ausmasses einer bestimmten struktur / / density is the ac/count of particles, which are essential within the extent of a certain structure struktur ist eine bestimmte anordnung der partikel & damit ihrer anzahl, also der dichte, innerhalb ihres eigenen ausmasses das ausmass ist relativ nach innen & nach aussen, zu sich selbst & zu den anderen das ausmass ist bestimmt durch das verhältnis zwischen der struktur, der korrektheit, dem vorhaben & der fähigkeit struktur hat dem korrekten vorhaben zu entsprechen, ebenfalls die fähigkeit, das vorhaben hat der struktur zu entsprechen veränderung der struktur entspricht korrekt etwa der mitte zwischen bedürfnis & bedarf - "etwa" resultiert aus der struktur bedürfnis=was gibt die momentane struktur, bedarf=was braucht man anhand der langeweile für die nächste gegenwart, die nächste zukunft langeweile=wenn man schneller ist als das handlungs ergebnis der summe aller eigenen fähigkeiten been there, done that, bought a Tshirt die wesentlichen partikel sind die fähigkeiten, die man noch nicht so kann, dass man sich überholt bei deren reibungslosem durchlauf - R > L enttäuschung=auf das falsche pferd gesetzt/gewettet/energie investiert > > korrigieren=prinzipiell umdefinieren, um es zu retten, sofern es nicht noch mehr energie kostet, sondern gibt, der versuch lohnt allemal struktur definiert sich aus der reihnefolge & dem korrekt erfolgreichen zusammenspiel der beinhalteten fähigkeiten ! zu bestimmen : übertragbare partikel innerhalb dessen, was einen erfolgreichen menschen ausmacht (erfolgreich =/=frau mit brille) habe ich noch nie begriffen, sie sehen die scheisse & reissen drüber witze, lieber als es zu korrigieren / / i've never grasped it, they see the shit & joke about it, preferably than to correct it is it that simple, that it's just courage ? the intern ability to do things instead to moan, , or is it because having betrayed oneself, one has lost the best friend & supporter ? besides, it's not their shit, they think & don't grasp that they downsize & therefore weaken themselves with this formula i say "they" here because i see it hapening but don't see it as a successful effort to reach own goals in an optimized & effective way i say "they" here because of the freedom i give everyone as long it doesn't get screwed & currently it gets, so i say it at all, incorrect the claim to know before one can know, it's about the inability to grasp the principle of sequence of creation : : there isn't anything, not even as missed, then smthng is there, just like that, out of the blue, that's based in want the shame & guilt to have offended, infringed rules stems from that sort of lack of understanding of principal sequence of creation die anzahl der partikel hat zu entsprechen den zum bedarf nach bedürfnis benötigten, also partikeln wesentlich für gegenwart & zukunft that's plain genius, if you don't use it you're plain stupid, if you steal it you haven't got the most precious core issue, both forgettable courage is a three step ability : to be concerned by fear in the first step, to act based not upon that concern in the second step, but upon the own goals in the third step that's what it means to act nonchalant, to be not challenged by the challenge of fear (chalant/challenge) to act because of fear, even to act regardless of fear isn't courage, but can be stupidity, fear itself, trick, deceit & other leaders therefore is courage one sort of freedom, freedom in another clothes, with a different name freedom needs rivals io not to fight against them, to fight against rivals means to depend on them & therefore not free the challenge is within oneself, who sees the chalenge within others is dependend popularity is not about being correct, popularity is to be able to meet at least one of the nerves of the current world structure - - - - - - - - - reflectingarea Ra popularity is not about being correct, popularity is to be able to meet at least one of the nerves of the current world structure 12 hours ago reflectingarea Ra the challenge is within oneself, who sees the chalenge within others is dependend 20 hours ago reflectingarea Ra freedom needs rivals io not to fight against them, to fight against rivals means to depend on them & therefore not free 20 hours ago reflectingarea Ra therefore is courage one sort of freedom, freedom in another clothes, with a different name 20 hours ago reflectingarea Ra to act because of fear, even to act regardless of fear isn't courage, but can be stupidity, fear itself, trick, deceit & other leaders 20 hours ago reflectingarea Ra that's what it means to act nonchalant, to be not challenged by the challenge of fear (chalant/challenge) 20 hours ago reflectingarea Ra to be concerned by fear in the first step, to act based not upon that concern in the second step, but upon the own goals in the third step 20 hours ago reflectingarea Ra courage is a three step ability : 20 hours ago reflectingarea Ra that's plain genius, if you don't use it you're plain stupid, if you steal it you haven't got the most precious core issue, both forgettable 20 hours ago reflectingarea Ra die anzahl der partikel hat zu entsprechen den zum bedarf nach bedürfnis benötigten, also partikeln wesentlich für gegenwart & zukunft 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra the shame & guilt to have offended, infringed rules stems from that sort of lack of understanding of principal sequence of creation 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra : there isn't anything, not even as missed, then smthng is there, just like that, out of the blue, that's based in want 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra the claim to know before one can know, it's about the inability to grasp the principle of sequence of creation : 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra i say "they" here because of the freedom i give everyone as long it doesn't get screwed & currently it gets, so i say it at all, incorrect 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra i say "they" here because i see it hapening but don't see it as a successful effort to reach own goals in an optimized & effective way 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra besides, it's not their shit, they think & don't grasp that they downsize & therefore weaken themselves with this formula 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra , or is it because having betrayed oneself, one has lost the best friend & supporter ? 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra is it that simple, that it's just courage ? the intern ability to do things instead to moan, 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra / i've never grasped it, they see the shit & joke about it, preferably than to correct it 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra habe ich noch nie begriffen, sie sehen die scheisse & reissen drüber witze, lieber als es zu korrigieren / 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra ! zu bestimmen : übertragbare partikel innerhalb dessen, was einen erfolgreichen menschen ausmacht (erfolgreich =/=frau mit brille) 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra struktur definiert sich aus der reihnefolge & dem korrekt erfolgreichen zusammenspiel der beinhalteten fähigkeiten 21 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete reflectingarea Ra > korrigieren=prinzipiell umdefinieren, um es zu retten, sofern es nicht noch mehr energie kostet, sondern gibt, der versuch lohnt allemal 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra enttäuschung=auf das falsche pferd gesetzt/gewettet/energie investiert > 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra die wesentlichen partikel sind die fähigkeiten, die man noch nicht so kann, dass man sich überholt bei deren reibungslosem durchlauf - R > L 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra been there, done that, bought a Tshirt 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra langeweile=wenn man schneller ist als das handlungs ergebnis der summe aller eigenen fähigkeiten 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra bedürfnis=was gibt die momentane struktur, bedarf=was braucht man anhand der langeweile für die nächste gegenwart, die nächste zukunft 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra veränderung der struktur entspricht korrekt etwa der mitte zwischen bedürfnis & bedarf - "etwa" resultiert aus der struktur 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra struktur hat dem korrekten vorhaben zu entsprechen, ebenfalls die fähigkeit, das vorhaben hat der struktur zu entsprechen 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra das ausmass ist bestimmt durch das verhältnis zwischen der struktur, der korrektheit, dem vorhaben & der fähigkeit 21 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete reflectingarea Ra das ausmass ist relativ nach innen & nach aussen, zu sich selbst & zu den anderen 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra struktur ist eine bestimmte anordnung der partikel & damit ihrer anzahl, also der dichte, innerhalb ihres eigenen ausmasses 21 hours ago reflectingarea Ra / density is the ac/count of particles, which are essential within the extent of a certain structure 22 hours ago reflectingarea Ra dichte ist die anzahl der partikel, die von wesentlichkeit sind innerhalb des ausmasses einer bestimmten struktur / 22 hours ago reflectingarea Ra bounce - bound - unterschiede in dichte begegnen sich / differences in density meet 22 hours ago reflectingarea Ra woman with spectacles & alikes : what i can learn there is how to betray myself, to suck up to others io to reach goals which i don't intend 22 hours ago reflectingarea Ra we know that smthng's happening & what sound it makes, when it happens & that is all, what we know about - onomatopoie 22 hours ago reflectingarea Ra dependend - pendere x pater - in the realm of dependence, the realm of bouncing sound when meeting the plane ground 22 hours ago reflectingarea Ra dependend - pendere - pensum - bounce (pound) - what weighs heavy & makes a bouncing sound when meeting the plane ultimate ground 22 hours ago reflectingarea Ra constructivity lifts, destructivity weighs heavy, requires energy & therefore sucks life 22 hours ago reflectingarea Ra people with genuinely destructive goals just simply die, the more destructivity in the own life, the more the burden of it to bear 22 hours ago reflectingarea Ra if a goal seem to be destructive, it is not the goal, but its visible shadow, behind it is the constructive goal 22 hours ago reflectingarea Ra there are no destructive goals, but there are destructive ways 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra we think, we can spare us the energy of the work to understand, this is the stinginess in the core place, where we had to be very generous 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra that we have not the faintest idea, when & if the goals're destructive, to ourselves, what we love & upon we depend with our existence, life 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra , we have not the clue how to do it & why it works how it works & not a clue how to make it work towards our goals, besides of course that 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra , we just remember the structure of the place where we found it, 23 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete reflectingarea Ra if we repeat the sound made by & while, we do not understand, not the thing & not us in our goals & aims & wishes, 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra perPENDIcular / pendel, pendere, pendulum, pensum - pond - pound - bounce (oNOMAtopoie) 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra , io to estimate correctly that direction, one has to move away slightly off the direction line 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra - not dimensions, but directions in the same dimension, 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra T, the right angle, the correct turning point, going in the opposite direction, not the 180°, but the 90° - 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra perpendicular / plumb / lot / senkrecht / senken, sink, think, denken, yume, dumat', träumen, dream / sink, where it's going down the drain 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra > perpendicular / plumb / vertical / orthogonal / congruent adjacent angles / T / correct 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra isohypse / höhenlinie / contour line / isoline / isarithm > 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra ~ 18 Dec