11 december - - - ~ Durban testifies it, this culture's too weak to correct itself, it will break down under own weight with increasing speed, it does actually a defeat is a setback & a loss of immediate action & therefore an opportunity to recaliber, to rethink, to a different approach putrify, purify, petrify - pu as in pus is a limited area with extensive inner pressure - burst - hard as peter (rock) - opportune to purity burst X break : the difference is a containment, the breaking doesn't contain while the bursting does, both break apart, are torn apart part, parting - the torn apart by bursting come together not to unify but to rearrange anew to a temporary puzzle making this way some sense puzzle - a scattered whole, which makes sense if rearranged correctly, to bring sense, knowledge, question, task, quest to an answer sulphur - sol, yell, sal, soil phora - phosphor - pus phora - phos, fox (radiation) - bear, ferre (strong, strength) - forum - door door - por, per, through - pure, poor, blank, bar, bare, bone, bein - binary, bis, dis, dissonance bis / bursting - dis / being torn apart by other forces than center pressure - bis : arranged around a center, dis : clinging to each other bite - beat ... ow.ly/7U2uX | Erwin Wagenhofer : westlich/western - Industrienationen/industrial nations - industriekultur/industrial culture - industrie/industry : [wikipedia] die art der "Produktion und Weiterverarbeitung von materiellen Guetern oder Waren", , welche "in Fabriken und Anlagen" stattfindet & verbunden ist "mit einem hohen Grad an Mechanisierung und Automatisierung – - im Gegensatz zur handwerklichen Produktionsform." franchising, Adam Smith - arbeitsschritte - Arbeitsvorgang - Ablaufabschnitt - seziert Arbeitsteilung : komparative Kostenvorteile/David Ricardo - sense/money as salary >>> Marktkoordination / market coordination not market regulation, but coordination of the producing & consuming market contents <<< A scientist in a position of isolated power - The only scientist among non-scientists, it is dangerous whoever he is. | bbc.in/ssz3ym Autonomiekosten X Koordinationskosten / Abstimmungskosten - selbstaendige, unabhaengige entscheidung X abgestimmte, besprochene entscheidung - - - - - - - - - reflectingarea Ra Autonomiekosten X Koordinationskosten / Abstimmungskosten - selbstaendige, unabhaengige entscheidung X abgestimmte, besprochene entscheidung 23 hours ago reflectingarea Ra A scientist in a position of isolated power - The only scientist among non-scientists, it is dangerous whoever he is. | bbc.in/ssz3ym 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra >>> Marktkoordination / market coordination not market regulation, but coordination of the producing & consuming market contents <<< 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra Arbeitsteilung : komparative Kostenvorteile/David Ricardo - sense/money as salary 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra - im Gegensatz zur handwerklichen Produktionsform." franchising, Adam Smith - arbeitsschritte - Arbeitsvorgang - Ablaufabschnitt - seziert 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra , welche "in Fabriken und Anlagen" stattfindet & verbunden ist "mit einem hohen Grad an Mechanisierung und Automatisierung – 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra industrie/industry : [wikipedia] die art der "Produktion und Weiterverarbeitung von materiellen Guetern oder Waren", 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra ow.ly/7U2uX | Erwin Wagenhofer : westlich/western - Industrienationen/industrial nations - industriekultur/industrial culture - 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra bite - beat ... 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra bis / bursting - dis / being torn apart by other forces than center pressure - bis : arranged around a center, dis : clinging to each other 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra door - por, per, through - pure, poor, blank, bar, bare, bone, bein - binary, bis, dis, dissonance 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra sulphur - sol, yell, sal, soil phora - phosphor - pus phora - phos, fox (radiation) - bear, ferre (strong, strength) - forum - door 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra puzzle - a scattered whole, which makes sense if rearranged correctly, to bring sense, knowledge, question, task, quest to an answer 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra part, parting - the torn apart by bursting come together not to unify but to rearrange anew to a temporary puzzle making this way some sense 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra burst X break : the difference is a containment, the breaking doesn't contain while the bursting does, both break apart, are torn apart 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra putrify, purify, petrify - pu as in pus is a limited area with extensive inner pressure - burst - hard as peter (rock) - opportune to purity 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra a defeat is a setback & a loss of immediate action & therefore an opportunity to recaliber, to rethink, to a different approach 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra Durban testifies it, this culture's too weak to correct itself, it will break down under own weight with increasing speed, it does actually 11 Dec reflectingarea Ra ~ 11 Dec