17 november - - - ~ mindfulness - the advice of mindfulness as with any other advice, it has to match the needed quality, right now right the guided disciple there's nothing that matches everything, this idea springs out of an absolutistic make up of reality nothing but one exception, absolutism is one exception in a sea of relativity just because someone appears calm means not that he is calm, the make up can cover alot & the onlooker can skip alot . seemingly very rare & very thin sown, it takes a lot of movement & patience & keep up to collect intelligent disciples nowadays if it ever was better, i doubt it, the better lies in the future, cause if it would have been better, then it would be still there the better means to be strong, the strong remain, the weak perish, if there is nothing right there, then there wasn't ever before maybe we just "cheer up" or cover our uncertainty & weakness behind a past better than our present, there's a grave error in thinking behind the past we remember & like to remember stands before us as duty, one should be obliged just to the really strong & not to the perishing to think about a better past than the present is binds oneself in a loop of regret & mourning, that's a real loss of energy & life feelings have to be constructive in every case, destructive feelings are correct just if the felt is incorrect, it's as simple as that of course one has to be able to recognize 180°free the correct & the incorrect, abilities can be learned Arahants Tathagata "Happiness is a continuation of happenings which are not resisted." - Deepak Chopra reflectingarea Ra @ @Arahants : that's nice, at least it is smthng worth to think about, pretty complex woven formula, if it's correct it's another question reflectingarea Ra @ @dailyzen : to call reality illusion makes no sense, this' an insult of Einstein, to repeat that he said it won't make it more Einstein to twist the actuality to make it fit into the own house of thought won't make a Tower of Pisa the Coloseum but the Tower of Babel some quotes have lost their autors, then the only reasonable is to test their contents quality & their outlook anew & not repeat blindly i know, a lot of people would prefer to be where they think that they would be happier than where they are, this trait seems incurable yet ThaiPlumVillage Thai Plum Village Let's this tweet represent sound of mindfulness bell. Pls pause & breathe joyfully three times before back whatever we are doing. _/|\_ reflectingarea Ra @ @ThaiPlumVillage : if there can be a bell of mindfullness, what can initiate superficiality? not everyone's sleeping, some are way too awake we humans think that if our current culture, our species ends that's the end of the world, well, think again how unimportant we are really what makes us humans so unimportant in the face of the real world ? what please do we so great that other species can't cope without us ? who depends on us & will plead for our survival & help us ? & are those who will plead for the survival of humanity those who we are proud of or would we be ashamed if we would think about ? to exert influence & manipulative power, what's the use of it ? is it not rather a waste of the own bordered life span is it not far more satisfactory to fight & dispute with an intelligent enemy than to be followed & buttered up by a stupid coward ? but probably cowards & idiots just cling together in same structured piles io to be undisturbed by a change of betterment the inside of an action cannot be manipulated anyway, there's no way besides of the own giving up, of an invitation, of the own greed there's a difference between an explanation & an excuse some people feel threatened by an explanation & accuse it of being an excuse those people, cause they feel threatened by smthng different to themselves, cause they don't understand it, must be very weak in themselves they act aggressive cause they feel threatened, maybe they are indeed right in their own evaluation of being actually threatened it's wiser not to react immidiately in the encounter with such people, experience helps to pause, compassion is hard, it makes lonely wisdom is not really soothing, conscious companionship is the best human goal to achieve & hard in every way, to achieve, to keep, to endure ecstasy, the outraged feeling is cheap & infantil, it's full of inability & self excitement, self rapture, it is maybe what Narcissus is excuse as defense - - - - - - - - - reflectingarea Ra excuse as defense 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra ecstasy, the outraged feeling is cheap & infantil, it's full of inability & self excitement, self rapture, it is maybe what Narcissus is 17 Nov Favorite Reply Delete reflectingarea Ra wisdom is not really soothing, conscious companionship is the best human goal to achieve & hard in every way, to achieve, to keep, to endure 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra it's wiser not to react immidiately in the encounter with such people, experience helps to pause, compassion is hard, it makes lonely 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra they act aggressive cause they feel threatened, maybe they are indeed right in their own evaluation of being actually threatened 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra those people, cause they feel threatened by smthng different to themselves, cause they don't understand it, must be very weak in themselves 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra some people feel threatened by an explanation & accuse it of being an excuse 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra there's a difference between an explanation & an excuse 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra the inside of an action cannot be manipulated anyway, there's no way besides of the own giving up, of an invitation, of the own greed 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra but probably cowards & idiots just cling together in same structured piles io to be undisturbed by a change of betterment 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra is it not far more satisfactory to fight & dispute with an intelligent enemy than to be followed & buttered up by a stupid coward ? 17 Nov Favorite Reply Delete reflectingarea Ra to exert influence & manipulative power, what's the use of it ? is it not rather a waste of the own bordered life span 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra & are those who will plead for the survival of humanity those who we are proud of or would we be ashamed if we would think about ? 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra what please do we so great that other species can't cope without us ? who depends on us & will plead for our survival & help us ? 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra what makes us humans so unimportant in the face of the real world ? 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra we humans think that if our current culture, our species ends that's the end of the world, well, think again how unimportant we are really 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra @ @ThaiPlumVillage : if there can be a bell of mindfullness, what can initiate superficiality? not everyone's sleeping, some are way too awake 17 Nov ThaiPlumVillage Thai Plum Village Let's this tweet represent sound of mindfulness bell. Pls pause & breathe joyfully three times before back whatever we are doing. _/|\_ 15 Jun Retweeted by reflectingarea reflectingarea Ra i know, a lot of people would prefer to be where they think that they would be happier than where they are, this trait seems incurable yet 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra some quotes have lost their autors, then the only reasonable is to test their contents quality & their outlook anew & not repeat blindly 17 Nov Favorite Reply Delete reflectingarea Ra to twist the actuality to make it fit into the own house of thought won't make a Tower of Pisa the Coloseum but the Tower of Babel 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra @ @dailyzen : to call reality illusion makes no sense, this' an insult of Einstein, to repeat that he said it won't make it more Einstein 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra @ @Arahants : that's nice, at least it is smthng worth to think about, pretty complex woven formula, if it's correct it's another question 17 Nov Arahants Tathagata "Happiness is a continuation of happenings which are not resisted." - Deepak Chopra 14 Aug Retweeted by reflectingarea reflectingarea Ra of course one has to be able to recognize 180°free the correct & the incorrect, abilities can be learned 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra feelings have to be constructive in every case, destructive feelings are correct just if the felt is incorrect, it's as simple as that 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra to think about a better past than the present is binds oneself in a loop of regret & mourning, that's a real loss of energy & life 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra the past we remember & like to remember stands before us as duty, one should be obliged just to the really strong & not to the perishing 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra maybe we just "cheer up" or cover our uncertainty & weakness behind a past better than our present, there's a grave error in thinking behind 17 Nov Favorite Reply Delete reflectingarea Ra the better means to be strong, the strong remain, the weak perish, if there is nothing right there, then there wasn't ever before 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra if it ever was better, i doubt it, the better lies in the future, cause if it would have been better, then it would be still there 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra seemingly very rare & very thin sown, it takes a lot of movement & patience & keep up to collect intelligent disciples nowadays 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra . 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra just because someone appears calm means not that he is calm, the make up can cover alot & the onlooker can skip alot 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra nothing but one exception, absolutism is one exception in a sea of relativity 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra there's nothing that matches everything, this idea springs out of an absolutistic make up of reality 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra mindfulness - the advice of mindfulness as with any other advice, it has to match the needed quality, right now right the guided disciple 17 Nov reflectingarea Ra ~ 17 Nov