14 october - - - ~ to spoil the fun of it - understanding design egal - equal - equivalent aqua - equa | A / wide, open space - E / emission, extradite >>> diction, dition, dative, pol. dac', lat. date still in use/present - past, forgotten forgotten, but if necessery, then already lost completely not just temporarily absent - life based on false terms <<< equal - equivalent - e k Vi/Va len t - equalent - equilent - equi - vi/viva/vivo/alive/value/worth equal to none existent - devaluation of the existent - default value - folding - devalue - defaulting folding : act of doubling, intersecting >>> under/inter/intern/subjugation - principal fraction problem - principal/primary prince/first x beginning - prince/for/port/pro(/path)/through - gen/nat - originate - origo - arise - KAN / HAN / ham / khan not devoted - [ de/down ] - evocation - "dedicate by a vow" - vow/vocatio+tow, to tow by voice, ban - understand - the value to understand unbreakable, unseparable towed together - JUST BY WHAT ? the value to understand - value of fear, value of seduction to hope, promiss, expectation, future painted, illusion, perspective trust, to lead the blind - `to leave one master, the ownŽ, `to serve another master, the otherŽ distrust oneself, the self, the intrinsic, inherent, to depart from oneself, to trust the apparent, the appeal, the seen, heard, touched, not to trust the intern, not to trust the funny feeling inside, not to trust the thought not to understand how a {feeling}thought is made & to whom it belongs, not to understand the source of a thought, not to understand how thoughts are made & for what purpose, not to understand oneself in the core & in the own future - decay not to understand is not to value - nicht zu verstehen ist nicht wertzuschaetzen recognize - understand - cogito - get / gen - poSsess/Hold/Keep - to cut is not to hold, to shelter is not to have there is nothing that would enable a limited being to have, there is not one possibility to have at all to have is an illusion & a waste of possibilities of life if so, if not about to have, then what can life be about ? a passing, to pass by, to "happen", we are a space of passing, processing a passing of another spaces through us space, space qualities, space structures, spaces in which points reside, points kept by repeat of value (the yearning/beduerfnis) there are nowhere spaces without an owner, the space is the owner, the value of space is the value of space owner, his value to him his value results out of his use, his use has to be 180° free, then it stands the chance to be his own & not his illusion to build from nothing out of nothing but the use, step by step, to rebuild the world step by step through sensible use there is no sense & no gain in the middle of the journey & the use, there is just gain in nothing or everything i do not like being crass, but it falls that way, the life falls that way every time it happens to be being mild, being measured along the own use is not being in the middle being in the middle between disengagement, which economizes energy & stark engagement, which gains is to gain nothing but loss well, maybe there are some middle passers with sense, but maybe that's just a question of interpretation or relativity of the core spaces of activity, matching the own need & spaces of own inactivity straying wherever Walter Moers : Das Labyrinth der Traeumenden Buecher - Traummaschine, Maschinentraum - kokette gefaelligkeit - make up kein eigen sein erkennt man das make up anhand der performance oder der absicht oder des outputs oder anhand der wiederholung, je oefter desto gefaelliger ? - - - - - - - - - reflectingarea Ra erkennt man das make up anhand der performance oder der absicht oder des outputs oder anhand der wiederholung, je oefter desto gefaelliger ? 14 Oct Favorite Reply Delete reflectingarea Ra Walter Moers : Das Labyrinth der Traeumenden Buecher - Traummaschine, Maschinentraum - kokette gefaelligkeit - make up kein eigen sein 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra spaces of activity, matching the own need & spaces of own inactivity straying wherever 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra well, maybe there are some middle passers with sense, but maybe that's just a question of interpretation or relativity of the core 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra being in the middle between disengagement, which economizes energy & stark engagement, which gains is to gain nothing but loss 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra being mild, being measured along the own use is not being in the middle 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra i do not like being crass, but it falls that way, the life falls that way every time it happens to be 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra there is no sense & no gain in the middle of the journey & the use, there is just gain in nothing or everything 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra to build from nothing out of nothing but the use, step by step, to rebuild the world step by step through sensible use 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra his value results out of his use, his use has to be 180° free, then it stands the chance to be his own & not his illusion 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra there are nowhere spaces without an owner, the space is the owner, the value of space is the value of space owner, his value to him 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra space, space qualities, space structures, spaces in which points reside, points kept by repeat of value (the yearning/beduerfnis) 14 Oct Favorite Reply Delete reflectingarea Ra a passing, to pass by, to "happen", we are a space of passing, processing a passing of another spaces through us 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra if so, if not about to have, then what can life be about ? 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra to have is an illusion & a waste of possibilities of life 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra there is nothing that would enable a limited being to have, there is not one possibility to have at all 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra recognize - understand - cogito - get / gen - poSsess/Hold/Keep - to cut is not to hold, to shelter is not to have 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra not to understand is not to value - nicht zu verstehen ist nicht wertzuschaetzen 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra not to understand how thoughts are made & for what purpose, not to understand oneself in the core & in the own future - decay 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra not to understand how a {feeling}thought is made & to whom it belongs, not to understand the source of a thought, 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra not to trust the intern, not to trust the funny feeling inside, not to trust the thought 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra distrust oneself, the self, the intrinsic, inherent, to depart from oneself, to trust the apparent, the appeal, the seen, heard, touched, 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra trust, to lead the blind - `to leave one master, the ownŽ, `to serve another master, the otherŽ 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra the value to understand - value of fear, value of seduction to hope, promiss, expectation, future painted, illusion, perspective 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra unbreakable, unseparable towed together - JUST BY WHAT ? 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra not devoted - [ de/down ] - evocation - "dedicate by a vow" - vow/vocatio+tow, to tow by voice, ban - understand - the value to understand 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra prince/first x beginning - prince/for/port/pro(/path)/through - gen/nat - originate - origo - arise - KAN / HAN / ham / khan 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra folding : act of doubling, intersecting >>> under/inter/intern/subjugation - principal fraction problem - principal/primary 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra value - folding - devalue - defaulting 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra equal to none existent - devaluation of the existent - default 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra equal - equivalent - e k Vi/Va len t - equalent - equilent - equi - vi/viva/vivo/alive/value/worth 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra forgotten, but if necessery, then already lost completely not just temporarily absent - life based on false terms <<< 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra still in use/present - past, forgotten 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra >>> diction, dition, dative, pol. dac', lat. date 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra aqua - equa | A / wide, open space - E / emission, extradite 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra egal - equal - equivalent 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra to spoil the fun of it - understanding design 14 Oct reflectingarea Ra ~ 14 Oct