09 august - - - ~ word of the day : delegation lat. delegationem / delegatio / delegare (assign) - delegate ofr. delegat lat. delegare "to send as a representative" - ~1490 / 1520 legate ~1150 "authorized representative of the Pope" - ~1390 "ambassador, delegate, messenger" lat. legatus "provided with a commission" - legare "send as a deputy, send with a commission, bequeath" - from lex / legis "contract, law" LEX - LEGIS - LAW are of the same sound root LaeG & related to the action of LAYING smthng down, there, where it won't move forth by itself things layed properly, correctly with the currently real functionality of all things, are in their own place & therefore won't move away vvv & if they move away, they will tend to that correct place of theirs, that's their home & they won't rest before they reach it again vvv the correct law is the place of things in order - it may be a moving order but it is important that it is an order, cosmos vvv related to it is also the adjective LOW, low is the place where things lie - unfortunately the actions of laying & lying are merged vvv the action of LYING is an action of betrayal of oneself, the act of laying things, where one knows that they are not lying correctly vvv it's permissible if one knows or suspects that to match the layed things with the lying things will have destructive results for oneself vvv thus lying roots always in fear & fear roots in the lack of ability to deal with things, people, world & oneself in a successfull manner vvv to delegate is to lay things outside the own radius of action, but not the own radius of responsibility & that's its tricky business x x x 09 08 2011 addition to todays Twitter : the responsibility is the duty, the obligation & has to be layed down within the law, the benefits from the responsibility has to be not gain, but translation of foreign gain into own gain, not the abundance of foreign gain or unrelated gain but the gain of the own, what the obligated needs to be in his own place x x x martiadroher martiadroher by reflectingarea On 4 August 1789, exactly 222 years ago, the French National Constituent Assembly abolished feudalism. via @tandmark Stepterix Kevin Grieves by reflectingarea On this day in history: Holy Roman Empire ended, 1806 http://bit.ly/pZmy75 - - - - - - - - - Stepterix Kevin Grieves by reflectingarea On this day in history: Holy Roman Empire ended, 1806 http://bit.ly/pZmy75 6 Aug Favorite Undo Retweet Reply martiadroher martiadroher by reflectingarea On 4 August 1789, exactly 222 years ago, the French National Constituent Assembly abolished feudalism. via @tandmark 4 Aug Favorite Undo Retweet Reply » reflectingarea Ra x x x 13 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra vvv to delegate is to lay things outside the own radius of action, but not the own radius of responsibility & that's its tricky business 13 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra vvv thus lying roots always in fear & fear roots in the lack of ability to deal with things, people, world & oneself in a successfull manner 13 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra vvv it's permissible if one knows or suspects that to match the layed things with the lying things will have destructive results for oneself 13 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra vvv the action of LYING is an action of betrayal of oneself, the act of laying things, where one knows that they are not lying correctly 13 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra vvv related to it is also the adjective LOW, low is the place where things lie - unfortunately the actions of laying & lying are merged 13 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra vvv the correct law is the place of things in order - it may be a moving order but it is important that it is an order, cosmos 14 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete reflectingarea Ra vvv & if they move away, they will tend to that correct place of theirs, that's their home & they won't rest before they reach it again 14 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra things layed properly, correctly with the currently real functionality of all things, are in their own place & therefore won't move away 14 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra LEX - LEGIS - LAW are of the same sound root LaeG & related to the action of LAYING smthng down, there, where it won't move forth by itself 14 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra lat. legatus "provided with a commission" - legare "send as a deputy, send with a commission, bequeath" - from lex / legis "contract, law" 14 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra legate ~1150 "authorized representative of the Pope" - ~1390 "ambassador, delegate, messenger" 14 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra lat. delegationem / delegatio / delegare (assign) - delegate ofr. delegat lat. delegare "to send as a representative" - ~1490 / 1520 14 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra word of the day : delegation 14 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete » reflectingarea Ra ~ 17 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete