05 june - - - ~ kitsch is what is not grown out of the own purpose optimum is the perfect denominator, minimum is the smallest possible still completely purposefull function, a sensible entirety ^^^ vvv outside of those there are malfunctions, points of no return (irreparable "damages") & the last ends damage - deminishing / down - dam(m) (dike) / ban(n) / hem(m) / hemp / ham / tamper / stem(m) / temper [to restrain within due limits] ^^^ vvv deminishing the might, less than the minimum needed to function, to be schaden / shadow / shade ^^^ vvv [dis-appearing into invisibility, into a space of INvisible quality, to be of on principle different quality, ^^^ vvv to be outside the quality which contains to be seen, to be seen is to be exposed to foreign interference [ferre], ^^^ vvv to be seen is to be exposed to intervention [volution, will], ^^^ vvv to be destroyed in the process of being seen is the loss of the seer not the seen, ^^^ vvv the seen returns to his own state, the seer loses the permit (per/through/to middle) to participate in a foreign world, ^^^ vvv the seer loses the permit to participate in an outside of his own quality] ^^^ vvv - meantime we do more than just "see", we also tamper & hemper, we use in our way, not the way of that which is not we, ^^^ vvv we misuse according to the meant, which to enter we have not the slightest right, ^^^ vvv it's pure violation not just the rights of the other, but basically ours, those upon we manage to live - ^^^ vvv it's nothing moral or ethical, nothing compassionate, it's pure survival ^^^ vvv morality, ethics, compassion are fog, veil to give us the permit, are additions to a violation, a compensation ^^^ vvv like to reforest what we we have desturbed & destroyed in a process purely egoistic (violence) not communicative - we don't care ^^^ vvv we don't care, cause we don't see, we had to see in ourselves, not in the other, we had to relive what we do to others as done to us ^^^ vvv those who can see within themselves are seeing, those who look to others violate & are purely stupid, because unaware, not there at all vvv "i think therefore i am" is Descartes' statement of human mind map, a roadmap to live on, without it we are just REacting & REbounding vvv echoing, not calling ourselves originally then we are not the source, it's very simple, but one has to have at least a pinch of grasping vvv or in the own inside has to come across an unfulfilled yearning, an unanswered question ^^^ vvv i for my part, stumble upon the unfulfillment in others (not of), upon their unfulfillment not my, it's not a judgement, it's a pest vvv wouldn't we destroy currently our own basis to live on, i wouldn't bother, ^^^ vvv it's not an urge in me it's a decision to participate based on freedom & freedom of choice reddmonitor Chris Lang by reflectingarea Congo's poor need incentives to save giant forest - http://icio.us/nWCNDe #REDD the regret is based on the distrust in future, one could say the lack of belief in future, the lack of outlook, perspectives into a future the acceptance, the affirmativeness in favor of the currently occuring reality is the base & starting point of its improvement @ @reddmonitor : they need alternatives, the key is senselessness in life, lack of education & knowledge, merged into unemployment unemployment is a combination of lack of education & lack of payment for a fulfilled need, ^^^ vvv when the fulfillment of a need & its payment meet, there is no unemployment vvv fortunately the most people are willing to pay, maybe not much, but in the most cases enough to live on, on that road we can do better i am an extreme realist, pitiless but nice, moving into regretlessness, eying for solutions to real not illusionary problems only io to save earth's forests & support the health of environment we have to know exactly their monetary price, vvv it may sound against the emotionality, heartless, but people responsible for the environmental destruction talk in money not heart, vvv so is it about heart or is it about saving the world, this is not the same jonathanfields Jonathan Fields by reflectingarea Healthy lifestyle triggers genetic changes http://t.co/5xACBnH Drug War : Global Commission on Drug Policy presents devastating assessment - 11 recommendations | Bernd Debusmann | http://t.co/1sFJ5oY Bitcoin, the Peer-to-Peer Currency that Hopes to Change the World | http://t.co/pDR31Tp via @thenextweb - - -