04 june - - - ~ it gets serious - qualities of escape are closing - contact me ok, is it TOO LATE or isn't : InvasiveNotes John Peter Thompson by reflectingarea Radically moderate RT @everydaywitch: When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative. MLK still : radical is not about riots but about roots on Kafka & the ability to think - Meaning, is an expected association within one's environment. / Travis Proulx | http://t.co/Oocgjpo at the current rate we won't make it UN : Revoking Our Current Path Toward Extinction | http://enewschannels.com/2011/06/03/enc13216_164921.php#mesosocial Watching Titanic sink is what we do right NOW, let me explain : we are the passangers, Titanic is our environment collided & sinking NOW just for the record : i am DONE, i am saved already, it's about YOU still thinking that there're NO PROBLEMS & IF, that those are NOT YOURS Pope too : Revoking Our Current Path Toward Extinction | http://enewschannels.com/2011/06/03/enc13216_164921.php#mesosocial WE won't make it without YOU, & it's not about revenge, if it is for you, then GROW UP ! if you don't understand, contact me & i'll explain i think to be caught within a horror movie, i dislike them, i have to laugh about the pathetic & the admirers scorn me, i'm disturbing How silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years. / Dashiell Hammett i've waited that YOU get it backed on your own, the opportunities expire meantime DAILY, tell me, what do you need to MOVE ON for me it's not about fear, it's about sense, it doesn't make any sense to start a species & work towards an own extinctinction as a bonus @ @redgreenandblue : we need meantime everyone & not just the green wackos | http://fb.me/ZwHFtggo to fight against climate change with the help of nuclear power is like to successfully extinct fire with asbestos dust we don't need 100% : 1. to get those on board who don't get it / 2. to inspire those in power / 3. to make understand those who are onboard i'm in the business of making understand those, who are already onboard, cause those are too weak to change reality, interested ? contact me Drowning is almost always a deceptively quiet event. Drowning Doesn’t Look Like (we imagine) Drowning | http://mariovittone.com/2010/05/154/ Do not forsake me, oh my darling | High Noon Intro | http://t.co/avHVwAq via @youtube even in a state of extreme emergency, you have to go on with your every day chores, you have to compel yourself to take care of yourself vvv that's for those on board, those still looking & those just hoping to be skipped have to diminish their petty little dust of chores & yes, i still work like the best Tao, if we get saved because of whatever reason, i will be the first to rejoice, it's about US not just me spambots poesy NOW : I'm a ... random type of individual. I have a ton of ambition and a great personality to fit with it. There ... you are benclowney Ben Clowney by reflectingarea I heart Greenpeace > LIVE: We've boarded Cairn's Arctic oil rig demanding their spill plan | Greenpeace UK http://t.co/ygZUDAW gp_espy Greenpeace Esperanza by reflectingarea The Danish navy warship is moving in very close to the rig. Richard_001 Richard Reynolds by reflectingarea New New York guerrilla gardening from film maker Todd Bieber, He's made a short film about his vigilante sidewalk... http://fb.me/13BLefqHe - - -