30 may - - - ~ High stakes, no alternatives, desparate actions - Greenpeace Live Action: Climbers in survival pod stop Arctic oil rig | http://t.co/FURVrhg would i tweet all the things i don't need i would have on my trail a lot of crap, ^^^ vvv that's indeed proof, that already just to mention what's wrong belongs to ^^^ vvv the focus on the reverse direction to the own aim & thus strengthens the difficulties to reach it ^^^ vvv so is there any alternative : ^^^ vvv surely, i could learn & thus know all the things to avoid, but ^^^ vvv i had to have free or useful space, that would result in dedicated space, i would host the others & would follow aims they follow, ^^^ vvv so, any action has to be directed to my aim, not to other aims ^^^ vvv why do i wish to tweet those things at all, that i don't like : because i cannot follow the things that i value or i don't know them ^^^ vvv those things are not there, not existent in my outside/results or in my inside/mind map, so ^^^ vvv i orientate along what's wrong (outside set) to find out, what had to be right (inside set), so ^^^ vvv it's about alternatives & thus about mind map creativity in formulating what i want - still very wobbly, ^^^ vvv supposedly too many different points, so the matter is still folded, where it had to be plain, ^^^ vvv it has too few space to contain needed functions - which are those different points ^^^ vvv Refine & Reclaim your time. Refynr https://refynr.com/ - there is something not correct in it, it can make money nevertheless ^^^ vvv it's about my distrust, the stake is high, i would lose "time" would i rely on smthg, which is not me, ^^^ vvv i have to contain all the absolutely necessary stuff on my own, ^^^ vvv the danger of being dragged beyond the death is big & for trifles i have no "time" at all reality of hope & reality of fact - they are incompatible, ^^^ vvv with both money can be made, but to lose the fact reality because of the hope reality is dangerous, because ^^^ vvv the fact reality is the ground for the hope reality, hope reality is an error, a filler to a need unmet * a wide spread field of important points is a future field, it's not a present field ^^^ vvv but steps undertaken in the present, which do not contain alternative actions but dangers of failure ^^^ vvv block freedom of the future by the load of duty from the past, ^^^ vvv there is no such future & no such present, which would be worth living - that's what iMatter is about & that's what Greenpeace is about vvv those are not the only points of that very problem, it's about Palestina, about Spain, about youth unemployment & even about Arab Spring vvv in the earlier centuries people made war at such points, Arab Spring & Palestina are still on that old brink, ^^^ vvv but already Spain in not about war & Greenpeace is surely not about war, as the Berlin Wall was not about war & iMatter isn't ^^^ vvv it's simply about a better future & not just the return to a fine working past * our waste has to be 100% recyclable & that by organisms & entities, which support us & not harm us & within our lifespan & not beyond mayboeve mayboeve by reflectingarea We all know many people who battle cancer. Hard news today from China, where it's now the leading cause of death. http://bit.ly/iV4ZHX just to remember : RADICAL means not violent, but in accordance with the ROOT, which has to come out changed in the end, that's the aim waste is produced when a function provides less outcome than the price was, is & will be, waste is based on hopes, which deffer from reality to follow goals directly causes violence, the real success is to create & keep a structure, which produces goals achieved when we say, that our time is limited, then we say that we are inflexible & unable to change the quality of space, ^^^ vvv this can be the case, but that's not the entire problem, because limited space is hidden beneath ^^^ vvv & limited space makes us existent, limited space creates alternatives, ^^^ vvv that's why not the limitness of space itself is the problem but ^^^ vvv the lack of our own space & the abundance of foreign space in ourselves & in our lives vvv that's why Virginia Woolf pleaded for "A Room on Her Own", unfortunately ^^^ vvv she meant that men are the cause of its lack for women, but the situation is more complex than blaming could solve it vvv our social problems stand behind our environmental problems & behind the social problems lie problems of our education, ^^^ vvv this' sounding at first simple, it isn't, it's about the quality of education & its goals persued what is the value of the best occasions out of a group having nothing that i need, correct ! none Pecunia, si uti scis, ancilla est, si nescis, domina. - Money, are you able to use it, is a helper, are you unable, is a dominator. Japan stuck with 54 nuclear power plants that 'ought' to be safe | http://t.co/wvWEmCC via @reuters Germany : Merkel's nuclear to & fro instead of a focus on boosting the use of renewable energy | http://t.co/1BbMcxu via @reuters Coal Perspectives - China imports to double in 2015, India close behind | http://t.co/PEnaEYo via @reuters - - -