29 may - - - ~ rcrain_astro Rob Crain by reflectingarea Last night I upset an artist by telling her that what she calls 'negative space' other people just call 'space'. don't focus on blue elephants word of the days : daring, to dare, duerfen dare - duration - derb - sturdy X dursty - dry - dringend - draengen - urgent - durst - thirst - dorn - thorn - ("vehement desire") - ^^^ vvv thirst as boredom frees us to do what we in the state of equilibrium wouldn't DARE, because there is no need, ^^^ vvv "the need & an urgency force us", we say to shift our guilt & we shift our might altogether, ^^^ vvv we are being pushed & even shoved, we like it, we are innocent victims, we like it, it makes us free, light & allowed, ^^^ vvv we are blind to the fetter - to dare - desire - prolonged DIRE with S & i - drought ^^^ vvv S = simmering & i = i, that one which is the goal of perception, the egg, the eye, we humans are very eying ^^^ vvv dire - direct - je tendre - tendency - dent - zahn - teeth, tooth - zu - to - te dire - dirait : ^^^ Je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais | http://t.co/9Ce24Ba | original by Serge Gainsbourg, unfortunatly not avaiable (withered copyrights) Je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais - piano interpretation by Elie Drai - music, space, movement & expression speak | http://t.co/SPRAh66 Spanien: Ein paar Leute wollen die Demokratie verändern: Ist das eine Nachricht? | http://bit.ly/kHx1MX via @zeitonline Spain : Unemployed youth protest | http://bit.ly/jA2jU5 #DemocraciaRealYa #spanishrevolution #indignado Over a hundred people injured in clashes but demonstrators determined to stay on | http://t.co/Tvkp8Y4 | #spanishrevolution #indignado #15-M movimiento15 Movimiento 15-M*27-M by reflectingarea No se puede permitir esté tipo de actos=SANGRExLIBERTAD Por favor difundir esté vídeo:http://bit.ly/iufmWo @BarcelonaRealYA @democraciareal 'Spanish revolution' camp - The protests have spread to Bilbao in the north and to other cities in Spain | http://bbc.in/mhT2JY The times are a changin’ in Puerta del Sol. | http://tinyurl.com/3qmlv3c | #DemocraciaRealYa #spanishrevolution #indignado Spain : The discontented will not simply fall silent again. | SPIEGEL ONLINE | http://t.co/MzkwN5I Find x | http://www.mento.info/timo/archive/33033 laughingsquid Laughing Squid by reflectingarea .@AlaskaAir Ditches Paper Flight Manuals For iPads http://owl.li/55i1s via @engadget 'oritsunagumono' ('things folded & connected') environmental origami works by takayuki hori | http://t.co/EGf7rHh via @designboom - - -