28 may - - - ~ FeedMeThoughts Cheikh by reflectingarea ... Livin Life through all these electronics sucks. to be able to contain the whole entity, to discern when an entity is whole, to know the functionality & right outcome of an entity ^^^ >>> to be used to a perspective, so it's not normal to contain another, so it's named impossible, unaccomplishable ... (thought fringes) <<< >>> essence - wesen | the joy of being (present) inside of a thought world <<< >>> the lack of the right names disables to : go on, fulfill, be done & move on ... (thought fringes) <<< >>> to take more seriously than it's due, more grave than it's taking itself, disparity between praxis & map - MAP the MAP & MAP MATERIA <<< vvv the right outcome of an entity, to have a draft, an outline of the content of an outcome, to know the future, ^^^ vvv to know it because the source is present & there is no automotoric movement inbetween but just the reacting to the source, ^^^ vvv to be projected by the source, not to move, to be catched in gravity of the goal - to be able to follow without automorics, ^^^ vvv to bounce, then it's possible to experience, to map what is, but ^^^ vvv to be able to map what not is, has to be contained within the own map, already there before anythg happens at all, before anythg is ^^^ vvv so it's still the same inside : the lack of appreciation of the own value & the act of projection ^^^ vvv the act of projection, now the projection of the source, to see the source in where it's not, where it just could be ^^^ vvv the act of projection of the source, as the act of projection of the culprit, ^^^ vvv in both cases it's about the source, the succeeding & the failing is projected & the act of projection results out of a conception error insult, insulting instead of blaming, why does one insult at all, what is the aim of an insult : ^^^ vvv to scarry away maybe, to pose bigger than one is to fluff, to impress, behind's just fear >>> scarcity - scare ^^^ vvv seems to be nothing but TRICKS of MANIPULATION - beware of tricks of manipulation, look out for tricks of manipulation !!! ^^^ vvv my aim is to reach a goal exactly as i wish to reach it & not with any other possibility, ^^^ vvv i can reach it, there is no doubt that i can reach it, now it's about the way to reach it, now it's about the HOW & not the IF anymore to be able to interpolate, to reconstruct the original, basic, the source's aim, pure, unhampered, untainted, not mixed but just sole ^^^ vvv this must be what is named "love", it's the reconstruction of the source, it's aim & thus it's outcome within another entity the WILL under LOVE / Aleister Crowley then it's a reconstruction of the entity's source not any other - is there any other : ^^^ vvv it's not about (God) it's about (iGod), usually either we are too humble of too boasting for that epiphany ^^^ vvv is there any other source : the idea behind an objective source gives screwed, not correct outcomes - when are plants screwed ^^^ vvv when one side is shorter than the other, when there are two sides of an entity, to pair the idea of God is a backup, a reminder of what we really are, of what we can be, ought to ourselves to be an idea has not to be believed, either it works as it's meant to or not, either it has outcomes meant or not, an idea has to be understood God, Time & Money are ideas, which help humans to orientate themelves in otherwise unconcerted, uncoordinated smthg, Chaos viceversa Cosmos & just to remember smthg is not to understand it, understanding is a process with an aim different to that of storage of quantity the aim has to be always the best we know & has to be upgraded as soon it's known a better one, but with a backup of a still working one life doesn't pause at least not unfinite, when it is, then we name it death mysteries are when we have no (time) to understand all that coquet stuff, all that pretending to be disabled & to like it to be helped out, all that baby stuff at an adult age supposedly to be the nameless source because it's to be the unknown source, but nevertheless to be the working source - now you're talkin' to be accomodated to have just enough & not more, the fear lurking in the wet neck the misunderstood are unloved usually, it shouldn't be that way a working idea cannot be killed, it can be just transformed into a better working idea or copied poorly containing errors of performance infinity contains errors of performance, just finites work correctly, that's based in the existence itself, ^^^ vvv existence is finite, just the absence is infinite & lack is not absence to formulate impressions is far realer than to pose statements & manifestos, impressions contain the own uncertainty, which is always there uncertainty is the door to the infinity of chaos, we can just while existing hold that door open - Susumu Hirasawa - Opus | http://t.co/doIKDQF actually >That's Right< would be the right piece, but couldn't find it so : The Baldwin Brothers Live at Double Door 2 | http://t.co/LSyllnq misunderstanding is a variation of incompatibility the perils of being connected : Hackers breached U.S. defense contractors Lockheed Martin Corp | http://t.co/1nk9LiQ via @reuters The ultimate Luxury : precious antiques like time, and freedom | quantities > qualities > antiques | http://t.co/LJFZoyv via @reuters earthguardans Tamara Roske by reflectingarea Teens suing Colorado over global warming - KDVR http://t.co/obiw3LO just the i of the i rodgrona decio lazzarini by reflectingarea Julian Assange given peace prize http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8505669/WikiLeaks-Julian-Assange-given-peace-prize.html iMatter March : TEDxSB - Alec Loorz - "We Need A Revolution" | http://t.co/aBsBuK0 via @youtube Zen_Moments Zen Moments by reflectingarea If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself. ~ Albert Einstein mashable Pete Cashmore by reflectingarea Brands have only begun to grapple with the repercussions of the evolution of search engines http://on.mash.to/mPN9UI - - -