25 may - - - ~ word of the day : option etymological classic is the combination oP/oPs & oK/oC/oX - but those two are not the same value/quality, ^^^ vvv oP is about containment, about the possibility, the ability to circumference, in fact -ability- & -about- contain the value of oP ^^^ vvv but -oK- is about a small open space (a space with a small, near but open outlook) which is abrupt -cut-, thus the K in it ^^^ vvv OPTION - OPEN - to combine those two is not classic, but rewarding in terms of new understanding ^^^ vvv the difference between -oP- & -oK- is rudimental & ^^^ vvv io to discern those two from each other the entire TRINITY of basic consonants -P / K / T- has to be taken into account & examined ^^^ vvv that TRINITY combined with the preceding -O- ^^^ vvv what is that preceding -O- anyway : it is smaller than the open space of -A-, which is limitless, ^^^ vvv -O- is limited but contains enough freedom to live in it & not to experience its ends, ^^^ vvv probably the difference between A & O lies in the scale, the adequacy, fitness, suitability, between the measurer & the measured ^^^ vvv OPTION - OPEN : io to examine those together i have to look for the A besides of the O, because ^^^ vvv the words based on -oP/oB- -oK/oG- -oT/oD- are not entirely in use (lost or existed never before) ^^^ >>> disruption with thoughts about Twitter itself as microblogging - very interesting results - will implement them in the next time <<< vvv oP oB ORB orphan (!!!) elephant alp alb (to swell, callus, welt !!!) ^^^ vvv ORB ORBIT orbital ("the eye socket", the planets "socket", the place kept free for something specific, -reserved, dedicated space-) ^^^ vvv option : (alternative), (ability to diverse actions with diverse results, to move not just within one quality of action but several) ^^^ vvv further research needed about : ORG & ORD the difference between Twitter & THINKING lies in the linearity, Twitter is linear & following a row, thinking takes place jumping in space i don't understand it, so it has to be nonsense, stated the short circuit expert ( ich verstehe das nicht, dann muss es bloedsinn sein ) .greenormal oh no, it's TED IDOL!!! -> RT @BBHLabs TED are opening things up. Submit a video to qualify for a live audition: http://bit.ly/ee8El0 INFOGRAPHIC The Trend to Grow Your Own | http://t.co/FGDHMIF | http://www.lovethegarden.com Forum4theFuture The making of microfinance - six steps to significant change: We need a new sustainable mainstream and we need ... http://bit.ly/kzBqZ6 * there are plenty of drugs out there to be addicted to the more health threatening the drug the more desperate the need of a solution & the bigger the problem, the more a core problem it is * #blechtech i do not question, either it's working, then i'll deal with it, or it's not, then i don't need to bother with, that's realism great blog about bounce rate & any related like blog relevance & concentration, reality based | http://t.co/Fwkaesh via @bloggingj Sweden : activists hindering planting BASFs GMO potato Amflora arrested | Greenpeace International | http://t.co/wa2E89D impact : clout --- claw - clou - cloud - close - clover - glove - glue --- loud GuardianSustBiz Not doing harm is no longer enough – companies must actively do good http://bit.ly/k9H84q Downplayed agreement for European nuclear reactors stress tests | Reuters http://t.co/uVBktof via @reuters BreakingNews Swiss government says it will decommission all its nuclear power plants by 2034 - swissinfo.ch http://bit.ly/kYf67z dbiello Carlson, BP Solar: "China is the place where you can produce solar cells cheaper than anywhere else in the world" http://bit.ly/3PzK1i - - -