23 may - - - ~ * it may sound cynic, but it's mere functionality, poverty & malnurishment prevent overpopulation, that's nature's reality vvv material space is limited, that's the base of existence, just the qualitative space is unfolding in variations, which we name unlimited vvv io to prevent overpopulation we have to change the quality, unfolding quantity will break down under the own weight vvv we have to rethink, purify & change the quality of our way to live, our way to think, of our goals & our values, it's urgent vvv a big amount of population, its quantity was needed in ancient times & within the feudal system, vvv since the industrialisation the quantity of population is entertaining drugs increasingly & not human needs anymore, vvv thus our problems with unemployment, senselessness in life & desorientation vvv the old school is calling for the wisdom of LEADERS, the new school is calling for the wisdom of CLOUDS & CROWDS, vvv both are illusions apart of the problem's core, based on weak hopes, vvv when we are unable to think at our own, then we should at least reread Max Stirner's pamphlet about old & new GODS vvv poverty & malnurishment are the forebodes of violence & death, when combined with points of concentrated strenght & leisure, vvv that's how kings got beheaded vvv to bridge the gap we have to be able to solve our problems without causing more new destruction, that's quality vvv & if we are unable yet although we need urgently to be, then we have at least to have compassion, vvv compassion stalls time to get able, but its not sufficient to solve problems on its own & vvv compassion can cause even rage, when the waiting exceeds a lifespan, when the hope is gone but not the expectation & not the urge * habit vs standing - habit is an outside & unconscious, thus i'm against, it makes no sense, what do i for real am when smthg's just my habit vvv standing is what i am, it's what i do all the time io to live, it's not same as status quo, status quo's the question of which standing What's the goal of PayPal teaming with Philanthroper ? | http://t.co/JadMonC via @socialgood @mashable iPad Factory in Chengdu - “explosion of combustible dust in a duct” | http://t.co/eQKLdd6 via @mashabletech @mashable not despite but besides : "Des ignoriern ma net amoi !" Karl Valentin (We don't even ignore it !) Brand Ranking New Assorted 2011 - Apple leading before Google, Microsoft 5 | http://t.co/MtY6s3G via @mashbusiness @mashable a crowd/cloud is as intelligent (quality) as the individuals within, otherwise the herd (tribe/species) is going over the edge, ascertained closing the gaps of urgent needed solutions to problems ahead, evening the bumpy road - vigilia success is unavoidable by closing the gaps, answering elsewhere unanswered questions of burning problems of own needs INFOGRAPHIC : PlayStation Network Outage Costs | http://t.co/bJmq5Zm via @mashabletech @mashable Trends about costs of a data breach today | http://www.ponemon.org/blog/post/cost-of-a-data-breach-climbs-higher "timeless wisdom", i name it "principle", either it works everywhere in the same manner or it's illusionary work looks like illusion is the outcome of inability, curable & improvable by learning & teaching, the bridge is understanding not following Indonesian Rainforest Protection, what has been accomplished, what has to be done | Nestlé Give Rainforest a Break | http://t.co/6ZAfANf welchva Rebecca Welch Understanding human needs is half the job of meeting them. INFOGRAPHIC : A Worldwide Survey of Plastic Bag Bans & Waste | http://t.co/4DL7JYO via @TreeHugger somniumlabs Somnium Labs Is your presence data driven? http://bit.ly/ibAofS loriot_vicco Loriots Zitate Der Mensch hat den aufrechten Gang zu früh geprobt. Hätten wir noch 100.000 Jahre gewartet, vielleicht wäre auch unser Gehirn nachgewachsen. noolmusic Nool Music Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on weekends. Woody Allen http://bit.ly/buIC8O #quote cbryanjones Christopher Jones To all the media companies with your "Not available in your country" crap, here... I bought you a ticket to the 21st century. #WAKEUP! - - -