22 may - - - ~ serendip iwagaki yutaka ... http://www.pachube.com/feeds/2791 EarnSerendipity EarnSerendipity You represent your most immediete and ongoing opportunity. Phil_Radford Phil Radford The Next Eco-Warriors – Short stories on the next generation of eco-activists around the globe. http://bit.ly/fsEra1 #book "Don't drive angry" Groundhog Day the right scale is in every case the scale of the entirety, the outcome of any other scale is a comfy lie when you need emotionality to move yourself & others, then you are weak, the right movement is based on decision & ability vvv violence is a destructive form of emotionality, violence is based on a destructive form of a drug OchiengKevin Kevin Ochieng Thinking of the power of 1 sustaincities Sustainable Cities Fat city: The way your neighborhood is built could be killing you http://t.co/SYmjfJi via @grist ecobuddhist eco buddhist Buddhism meets geology, slow violence & eco-crisis: "Awake in the Anthropocene" - on Ecobuddhism here - http://tinyurl.com/5rvr7w5 - - -