19 may - - - ~ word of the day : mature vvv near latin ties : "early" in the sense of "just in time", because one has to be early, ahead of time, before the beginning of an action vvv it means to be ready completely in all necessery matters io to master them afterwards & not by learning them along the way first vvv relation to : middle, materia, mass, master vvv interesting case of a word, because it shifts the understanding away from the static -being in the middle- to preparation & expectation vvv that's just a tiny bit of a hint, because the family of -mature- is very wide spread to several basic words of another twists vvv & to deside, which twist of a word of that group is a core or if there are several cores needs work cmcmarkets_de CMC Markets DE & AT CMC Academy geht online! #Trading Webinare für alle Interessierten in Deutschland http://bit.ly/isfnBd und Österreich http://bit.ly/iCz38I it's the idea of 'already ready', which lures away from simple 'boring' work to hopes & unfortunately not solutions for an easier way ^^^ vvv work on solutions needs space & comes often in the way of the daily chores, one has to synchronise <<< overtones / fractions thesis : space geometry, especially in its shorter version, as area, is the basis for script - space geometry in static & changing function vvv static geometry as substantive & changing geometry as verb - (egypt & china/ancient) conceptual script & spoken script (indogerm/modern) artificial scarcity, not to follow the need, not to grow along the need, not parallel, to limit, confine, not in abundance - attract, greed to convince is weak thought : 1. the type of situation & 2. its distance from the own core inform about the own inherent quality & its urgency China piracy 2009-report gives Obama administration ammunition to press Beijing for better protections | http://t.co/bdazFN3 via @reuters Sony's security flaws & holes - John Bumgarner, U.S. Cyber Consequences Unit | Reuters http://t.co/QIvbJ5k via @reuters Sierra Leone's marijuana not food is produced mainly by unemployed youths looking for ways to earn money | http://t.co/L3n2FHr via @reuters Vivir Bien - Bolivian Law of Mother Earth - The first move to give Nature a legal status | http://t.co/tYaNTsf via @AddThis Moving forward to an expansion of rights beyond the human | YES! Magazine http://t.co/kuyT7bC via @AddThis Benefit Corps, a new class of corporation committed to having positive impact on environment and society. | http://t.co/TXgKuTs via @AddThis - - -