17 may - - - ~ word of the day : clear clear - glorious - glare - (amber) - glass - gloss - glatze - glitter - gray - green - glory - clamare - gelaber - claim - yellow - yell ^^^ clamm - cling - (napalm) - (phosphor) - glory/honor - (Katharina Blum) - call - cock - hall - halle - schall - clangor - clang - klang ^^^ (clang diff ring) - klage - (Treny) - lament - lame - (complaint) - jammern - scream - cream - (Hound of Baskerville) - surround ^^^ halan - hlowan - kalba - kelados - hehlen - howac' - KEL - kelle - hand - kalb - calf - (veau-wol/ac'-wola-vitello-vita-worth-value) ^^^ cock - ko(gut) - coo - cue - ziel - goal - gain - clue - close - gurren - gurgel - gullet - gulli - schlund<<< - (throat>>>) ^^^ schlingen - sling - gobble - gulp - swallow - schlucken - look - sling - schlinge - link - loop - limb - cloth - golf - gulf - club/club ^^^ gl/owa - head - kopf - (testa-tete-test-taste) - horror - hell> - light< - (schwer-swear-weight-scorch-W) - (heaven-haven-heave-swing-W) ^^^ clear : smthg that is surrounded by, that is surrounding & smthg that is hollow, that is containing - ^^^ seems to be a parallel to freedom, liberty, but more assigned, designated, destined, determined, dedicated, ^^^ vvv more material attached, applied, more practical & in function, in use, not as abstract, iconic as freedom & liberty are SPECTRUM of RESULT, circumference of functionality, productivity, impact, the wholeness of one quality of existence can the value of camouflage skill of marine animals persuade humans to preserve marine environment ? | http://t.co/eott5PJ via @AddThis no conscience means no consciousness means no realistic correct thinking, science is full of it since at least hundreds of years Sokrates : ich weiss mehr, weil ich davon ausgehe, dass ich nicht alles weiss ^^^ vvv Socrates : i know more because i start with not already knowing everything dbiello David Biello coming soon to a cornfield near you http://bit.ly/kjLpsJ drought tolerance joins genetically engineered suite in new monsanto hybrids wordorigins wordorigins Arnold Zwicky has compiled a list of online word sites: http://www.wordorigins.org/index.php/site/online_linguistic_resources/ BeingSridhar Sridhar Ramanujam 6 Ways to Grow Your Business With Content http://j.mp/iPoHi0 BeingSridhar Sridhar Ramanujam "After all, the wrong road always leads somewhere." — George Bernard Shaw #Quote BeingSridhar Sridhar Ramanujam "Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice." - George Jackson #Quote BeingSridhar Sridhar Ramanujam "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." - Philip K. Dick #Quote _clem Clem How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later http://j.mp/f7FevL (via Instapaper) gpjen Greenpeace Japan Please help to save kids in #Fukushima from radiation -->sign & spread online petition http://j.mp/fQomI6 Exploding watermelons - China's mixed feelings about the role of the media and public opinion | http://t.co/w5ucQnX via @guardian - - -