02 may - - - ~ Canada election : "promising the moon and soon seeing the consequences" | http://t.co/oDg0ftw via @reuters die GEDANKENWELT Brechts | http://www.zeit.de/2002/06/200206_stimmts_brecht_xml | ^^^ vvv Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come. Carl Sandburg in "The People, Yes" - Stell dir vor es gibt Krieg und niemand geht hin. unterwürfigkeit / subjugation - joch - SUBJECT : wow ! this is the most surprising discovery between daily words in years, ^^^ vvv till now i saw -iacere- as innocent &/or strong act of throwing of something, but of course it is also ^^^ vvv the act to BOW, to throw oneself on the ground, into the dust, to honor the ground the feet of a superior are standing on, ^^^ vvv to kiss the feet of who is superior FIRST WITH that very act of acknowledgment of that superiority - by the act of subjugation ^^^ vvv denominator numerator xxx dividend divisor quotient / joch yoke choke yak ox ochse | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengriism yoke - joke, jester - cynism, kyne - periorismos ... ( too brachiated / fractal, needs time ) distraction Das Wesentliche im Blick : Immer mehr, immer schneller, alles zugleich | http://bit.ly/jijpAe via @zeitonline | Danah Boyd | cut violently -over & over again- (Lencioni) is a pattern of a future, when the future is not presence, is not working yet, ^^^ vvv the -presence to be- (future) has to be conditioned, imprinted, memorized - ^^^ vvv understanding is the key to the slots, the slots have to be of the same quality, the dedicated space ^^^ vvv & because it's working the imprint has to be of pure quality, poluted qualities ruin the imprinted existence to be corrupted means to experience the disappointment of expectations & canalize them to the act of revenge ^^^ vvv & that means that a corrupt human is not realistic but illusionary, there's a gap between the expected & the ability to fulfill it, ^^^ vvv it's the rage of the powerless at the core, canalized to what's producing results, means it's another drug connectedness French cantonal elections 20 & 27 March 2011 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_cantonal_elections,_2011 | Front national & Les Verts masterpiece to make Wikileaks boring ... passing headline on a ticker under the sports news | http://www.thediplomat.ro/articol.php?id=1942 we resume the next step out of the aviable, the result can just go wrong, when we're the source of the aviable - circular reason / who am i - - -