08 april - - - echo - the shouting one, not the resounding one is the source, but without a solid background there's no echo either - the Zen Tree case what's the use of a thought, when there's no repercussions, no impact, no results, no importance ways, unadvisable to walk < string - change of quality, change of change of quality - space - not a warning, but ways/patterns of oneself it's advisable to walk the ways/patterns of oneself, io to do that one has to know oneself, to walk means to learn, it takes too long yet the results of that "too long" are piling up & burying life doesn't wait till we are ready to live it right, do we live it wrong, we die because we don't wait to live till we know who we are, we live straightaway, we shouldn't tolerate an unsatisfactory life, it piles up & buries us we don't survive the way we live, can we, is longer long enough or is to live right the right long it had to be, to focus on the right straight from the start & not to hope to find it along the way - so what's that right we had to know in all that chatter, there's besides the avoidance, just the hope & expectation, the chatter takes even away the empty space of appearance it's striking, that we live in an era of the core, nuclear core, we live in it on the outside, we had to ban the dangers by living it inside if we do not get it by the understanding, our mind map, then we will have to relive it by the materia, our bodies, now it's urgent high time we are leaving different than we came, we leave a different world than we entered, both differences had to be purity but purity is not just emptiness & not a chaotic blurr of entropy, purity is cosmos, a work in harmony - that's for the idealism after the first, there has to be the second where i stand, that's the empty space for wholeness - thesis XXX The World’s Largest Economies | Economy Watch http://t.co/J7c9BR9 you don't need to do something else, just do what you do right