06 april - - - ~ hirasawa Susumu Hirasawa """"""" The shows also generally close to the Geiger counter was installed in my room is somewhat higher. However, outside suddenly jumps fivefold. Quite different depending on where the radiation dose, if you are constantly fluctuating, there is more than twice as wide as the highest minimum. """"""" * the main question is : is the energy we mean to need worth the concerns over health risks, a human cannot live if he has not the freedom ... ... & to have a lack of constructive experience with an ongoing situation to rely on builds up insecurity, ... ... in realms of insecurity there's no space for freedom, & when there is no space for freedom, there is no space for life, that's the death the radioactive incident of Fukushima breaks the security of a technological luxurious modern life, it's tending to the human time of caves should we rely on the assertion, that Fukushima didn't kill anybody yet, or should we trust our own seamingly illogic concerns : when a human is in trouble, then the only person, who's in any case there is that person alone, one should rely on oneself firmly, ... ... to rely on people, who have to be biased by profession is nothing but foolish, it ends as to be lured into unmanageable situations * word of the day : ratio contaminated water that has to be pumped out and stored somewhere else or released into the sea | Reuters http://t.co/ZM4TbiN via @reuters ratio : via wikipedia : two numbers of the same kind, identical dimension, dimensionless quotient, ... ... quotient of two, which explicitly indicates how many times the first number contains the second - the 2nd dictates space upon the 1st ratio : the 2nd dictates space upon the 1st - the quality of the 2nd is the measure for the 1st - the 2nd is the basis for the 1st io to keep my Tweeter fresh, i started to shorten the Tweet list - current goal : 100 Tweets online + the best of Favorites (~ 20) the thought history is @ reflectingarea.com under -my own little blind spot- / Ra Timeline - working there on main THEMES/principles one of the most difficult matters about the prediction of future usage is to decide on the order to be applied, ... ... that's one of the keys to create oneself, big enough to contain the entirety of own life & small enough to be able to move freely such applied order is that 2nd number, the measure & the divisor The incalculable cost of nuclear power | Thomas Noyes http://t.co/QCCIrE7 via @guardian Quotes_Share Great Quotes “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Andre Gide The High and Hidden Costs of Nuclear Power | Hoover Institution Stanford University | http://t.co/IPxX25t via @HooverInst mystery has its roots in coquetry & lack of responsibility - - -