28 march - - - there's a significant difference between understanding (definition needed/synonyms) & usage of words [discovered idea : wood] ... ... usually they are used intertwined like a mixture, emulsion - there are a lot of ideas formulated in words like emulsions ... ... the results of those idea-emulsions are blurred edges, unclear distinctions & here the following result is violence & missed goals ... ... & here the result is to quick grasp/grab for sharp edged solid explanations, which under such stress are above average plain wrong mapping the usage - test today attempted the percentage of outcome within output much ado, actionism, zen goal, neutral, without tendency, without hue, without tint, ... ... tinct, tinge, touch - hue / end / border / barrier / edge / limit - ... ... Babylon : the quality of a color as determined by its dominant wavelength - rod cells hue / hide / veil / extract / dry out - solution, lotion, mixture, dissolve, liquid, (break apart, crush,) break off, drag - ... ... cleanse - retouch - form & structure - form from the usage, [discovered idea : foam] form from the 'model' it's pouring : micro sievert : http://t.co/F6oBrm6 i suppose, we are sorcerers, too proud to admit of being unable to deal aimed with the spirits invoked you don't need, what you don't want, follow your values engineered radioactivity & gentechnology are increasing entropy on earth white tulips turning pink http://twitpic.com/4eb9fj Apple's Role in Japan during the Tohoku Earthquake http://t.co/G58M1uq via @kevinrose greenforyou Green For You by reflectingarea We are slow, but we're not Stupid- Paul Gilding's new book on the coming Great Disruption #green http://bit.ly/gmuLy9 loriot_vicco Loriots Zitate "Gehe ich dann recht in der Annahme, dass Sie der Öffentlichkeit keinen Dienst erweisen?!" loriot_vicco Loriots Zitate Abgepackt und original verkorkst von Palhuber und Söhne! zeitonline_pol ZEIT ONLINE Politik "Oh je, wir sind jetzt Volkspartei", ruft ein #Grüner in Berlin aus. Mehrere Wahlkreise in #Baden-Württemberg haben Grüne gewonnen. (hf) Schönes Anti-Atom-Demoschild: "CäSiUm - näher am Menschen." http://bit.ly/fHYPfe ---------------