17 march - - - eine negative & destruktive lebenseinstellung ist der ernsthaftigkeit des lebens nicht angemessen hat man zu schweigen, wenn man nichts konstruktives zu sagen hat : Glücksklee - 'In Japan wird die Art als invasiv eingeschätzt.' - Toshikazu Mito, Tetsuro Uesugi: Invasive Alien Species in Japan : The Status Quo and the New Regulation for Prevention of their Adverse Effects. In: Global Environmental Research. 8, Nr. 2, 2004, S. 171–191 adverse : prevention - correction - improvement - empty - clear - measurement - abscond : abscondere "to hide, conceal, put out of sight," - ab(s)- "away" + condere "put together, store," from com- "together" + dere "put," abscondere "to hide, conceal, put out of sight," - ab(s)- "away" + condere "put together, store," from com- "together" + dere "put," macht - mass - mitte - motiv - gemäss - medizin - den ansatzpunkt finden - wipe out wippe - aushebeln - aus dem ruder laufen - unwucht bedauern ist eine form von gier man muss wissen was man braucht - wenn man weiss, was man braucht, wozu sollte man dann warten auf eine gelegenheit, warten kostet ebenso i have to know what i need - if i know what i need why wait for an occasion, to wait is pricey too to be able to hold, it's very important, to have the strength to hold, that's the core of everything good, the only problem with it is ... not too overload, one has to know the priorities & one has to know where & how to cut ... the right is not an action of cutting off but of shaping out of the really necessery if one operates just on a low amount of strength